
CONFUSED! 10 days late, BFN TWICE.???

by Guest10702  |  earlier

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Ok. So I am officialy 10 days late. Taken two HPT's and they are both neg. What gives???




  1. Its time to see your dr.

  2. Go to the doctor and get a blood test done hun

  3. I'm in the exact situation. 11 days late and HPT is negative. I seem to be a lot tired too for the past few days. Do you have any other symptoms?

  4. Welcome to the club.. Me too! I'm 9 days late.. I took about 5 HPT and only one did i see a faint positive. But i'm convinced it's an evap line because the test was a bit odd. I plan on testing again tomorrow morning as my 10 day mark. I will then call my Obgyn!

    Maybe a call to your doctor would be the best thing. My Doc wouldn't do a blood test until 10 days late just to be sure af was just late.

    We've been trying for 3 months! I hope this is it!

    What tests have you been using? Any odd symptoms. I seem to have more CM and i'm tired and dizzy! baby dust to you! Good luck!  

  5. you best option will be to go get a blood test just to make sure everything is good with you.

  6. I've been there...I was several weeks late.  I even convinced myself that I was pregnant, even though the tests came back negative.

    It is probable that you are just late due to a hormone flux in your system, or some stress has been in your life.  It can happen from time to time.

    If you are trying to TTC, I wish you the best of luck.  If you are really worried, you might want to see your doctor for a blood test and examination to be sure.

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