
CONFUSED ! ! ! ! boutl ife?

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ok so im like really confused bout life and if some people have no purpose in it?!

can a person live without having any purpose at all?

is that possible


(lifes pretty complicated!?!?!)




  1. everyone has a purpose. they could have the smallest affect or the biggest affect in life. it just depends on how big of an affect you want to make.

  2. Everyone, Everything has a purpose in life.  Just pray about it and God will direct you path.  Sometimes life is confusing but don't give up on it.  Just pray about it.

  3. Purpose in life is to have a relationship with your Creator. These voids that we have as humans are for a purpose. It's to direct you closer to a living God. As you begin this walk of life you must understand that God created you for a specific purpose. Some people walk around aimlessly through life and some run around like a chicken with their heads cut-off because they want to accomplish this and finish that. thinking that this will bring them fulfillment.

    True fulfillment only comes when you have decided to surrender your life to God and accept Christ's sacrifice on the cross for your sins. He died for you and me. The greatest gift that God gave to man.

    Good luck

  4. awh, I know it's hard but just don't over think life.

    Don't question it because you never know when your day is going to come.

    Everybody has a purpose, though it may not be clear to you, but everybody does.

    So just live from day to day and have tons of fun!

  5. Yes U can, there's hard working single mothers of 6 in a 3rd world country and there is Paris Hilton!!

    Life is whatever U want it to be.

  6. I find it funny that this was categorized in the special education section.

  7. <aybe not having a purpose is your purpose-

    maybe you were meant to live a carefree life and just experience the world

  8. Everyone has a purpose in life, it's finding out what it is is the hard part. I think what your really good at is what helps you decide what your purpose is. My mom is good with helping people so she became a nurse, helping people. My sister is an amazing artist, she doesn't know what to do with it yet. My brother is funny, he makes people happy. I have a gift with listening and dreams, I make people feel better and can warn people of things. You just have to figure out what your REALLY good at and then figure out how to use it for good, that's your purpose!!

  9. Life is what you make of it.

    As you get older things make more and more sense.

    Who is to say that anyone really knows any more about the purpose of life then the next person. You find your own purpose.

    Life is too short,. Do what you like and what feels good.

  10. Hi

    You don't state your age. But I can assure you that there are periods in everyones life, where they feel they have no purpose, goals or ambitions in life, especially when going through a rough period, which cause us to question our goals, values or purpose in life.

    Things will eventually get better, but it can take a little time.

    When I feel a bit lost and confused, I usually talk to a close friend who I know wont judge me, but listens to my concerns or woes etc, some times they can redirect me in the right direction, or help me re-evaluate my goals, values or purpose in life.

    I hope you feel a better soon and that what ever is going on in your life will settle soon.

    Good luck and take care

  11. there is a porpus for u

    find somthing u like doing n c where dat gets u

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