
CONFUSED if I would have bought the stock MF yesterday 1 minute before close for 13.67 but???

by  |  earlier

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I issued a sell order in my brokerage AFTER THE CLOSE would the stock sell for the opening price of 10.80 or 13.67 since that was the close the previous day but I put the order on after the market closed?????????? Confused.




  1. First of all, it depends on what kind of sell order you put in. Was it market, limit, stop-limit?

    If it was a market order, then the shares will sell at whatever the opening price is. That price is dictated by the specialist of the MF stock. If you were behind other market orders right before the market closed, then your sell may not have gone through, in which case it would most likely be sold the following morning at 10.80.

    If you put in a limit order then your stock will only sell if the price reaches that limit.

    I am guessing you lost some money today. Don't worry, that's part of the learning process. As you get more familiar with the beast, you will tame it. Just be patient.

  2. The closing price is history and has nothing to do with you.

    What you can get for the stock depends on what somebody is willing o pay when the market opens in the morning.  Buyers will watch the news and consider their choices.  Tomorrow's open may be higher or lower than today, but probably not exactly the same.

  3. It will sell for whatever the market's selling it for at the open day. And like the other guy said, if you had a stop order or limit order or something it wont sell unless it reaches that price.

  4. It would sell for the price at the opening the next day. Its the same thing with buy orders put in after the bell, unless you have a special account that allows after hours trading.

  5. stay out/get out of all of th is crashing,margin calls coming in all over wall street and no banks are loaning money to cover the calls..victims of the flood are dumping everything in order to live and re-build,eventually the commodities boards will sink ,including all precious metals and oil holdings,more foreclosures to come

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