
CONVINCING MY MOM, help me out!!?

by  |  earlier

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i'm in some of the first teenaged years of my life. i want a myspace but my mom is paranoid and doesn't approve of me having one right now. please state your opinions about having a myspace. don't tell me to get one because she won't find out, i understand that but i respect my mom more than that. i try to tell her that i can set my profile to private and everything will be fine but she just won't give in. i don't think it's fair.




  1. get facebook it's so much better and has really great privacy settings that i'm sure your mom would approve of

  2. Hey kid, you are so much smarter than a lot of people your age on her.  I'm so happy to hear that you respect your mom and your mom cares about what happens to you.  

    I cant really answer your question, but after reading the questions of others your age, I really respect you.

  3. I can see how your mom is nervous about you wanting a MySpace profile, I would be nervous, too, but I am glad you respect your mom enough to not just go ahead and get one anyway. Maybe she'll agree if you offer to share your password, so she can monitor for a while? Or if you're able, show her pages of your friends whom you want to network with. Good luck!

  4. I think you should be at least 16 before you have one. There are a lot of perverts out there and your mom is only trying to protect you..which is good! Maybe you can get her to allow you to have one if she is able to log into your account and keep an eye on things. Then you can have your MySpace and your mom can feel safe knowing what is going on.

  5. hey, i don't have one. and it can be bad. like there was this story in a magazine about a girl who had a phone. this guy texts her. she doesn't know him but talks to him because he said he was lonely. after a while he kept asking her to show her b*****s to him. eventually he threatened her that her family would be hurt if she didn't. so she did. next day at school it was on myspace. exactly 3 pages. i'm not trying to tell you no, i think it is safe if on private. but be careful. i agree it is cool, don't worry.. put it on private and only you and your friends will have it.  

  6. Why don't you have a 'family page' for the two of you for a while. That way she can see exactly what it's all about. And in the process, gain more confidence in you having your own page.

    And if she agrees, you should absolutely set your profile to private, and don't add anyone you don't personally know. You're a bit young to be meeting people online (at least from this parent's perspective).

  7. Maybe you could make more of a bargain with her... Explain how myspace works and that you can choose who your friends are and who can view your profile. Maybe you can say that you want to try it out for a little while and at first while she is uneasy of the idea she can monitor what you are doing on it. Like, let her view your comments and messages until she realizes that you aren't doing anything bad on it.

  8. well, she has to see it for her self

    you can show her mine

    nothing bad there

    and show her pages of those you know that have a private page

    tell her that you are responsible and you respect her opinions

    that you won't put bad pictures

    and you just wanna have a bit of fun

    talk to her in a calm manner

    she will see you are  serious

  9. Myspace is a pretty crazy world these days, so I can definitely understand why she would be weary of you having a page.

    * Maybe go to her with the idea that she get a page as well. That way, she can sort of monitor the things that go on.

    * Give her 100% access to your page at all times (ie. username and password)

    * Go on with her and show her the security features that they offer

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