
COULD YOU DIE from taking 30 paracetamol?

by  |  earlier

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appreciate advice-dont worry i havent taken or a friend




  1. Yes taking 30 paracetamols is potentially life threatening.

  2. If you didn't get your stomach pumped after you take them then yes.

    Or maybe if after you took them you vomited them right back up you'd be ok.  

  3. Yes you can.

  4. yes - if taken all at affects the liver and could cause liver failure, why would one want to?

  5. Please don't try it.


  6. Yes you can - days later from liver or kidney (can't remember which) failure.

  7. It's very dangerous, and you must always consult your doctor or go straight to A&E for any overdose.

    But, I highly doubt that you could die from taking 30 paracetamol.

    You would most likely feel a little sick, but apart from that, feel fine. The problem with paracetamol is that it will damage your organs and cause you some serious damage.

  8. drop the pills now im not saying you can and im not saying you cant just drop them

  9. Me? no. Doubt it have taken more, of worse, and am still here. What you asking for then sweet?

    Sarah x

  10. I've been in hospital when they've brought people in who've taken fewer than 30 Paracetamol.  Sadly, not all of them lived.  Some, on the other hand, have to deal with the consequences of their actions.  Taking so many Paracetamol causes damage to both the kidneys and the liver ... and undoubtedly other organs too.

    If you're contemplating it, please don't do it.  I've witnessed the damage that can be done.

  11. I don't know, I haven't tried and wouldn't want to.

  12. Not dirtly but it will cause damage to you liver and in the longterm that is vital to your life!

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  13. Depending on you age and weight it is likely to be fatal. As few as 22 can result in death. This tends to be a long, drawn out death due to liver failure.

  14. my guess would be a definite YES an overdose is classed as over 2 every few hours, hope it helps

  15. Splash:

    Ask your doctor, if taking 30 paracetamol at once is right for you.

    I say you take 30 at once and the get back to us on how it went.

    If we, (all of us at Yahoo! Answers), don't hear back from you, we'll know you kicked off.

    Good luck and down the hatch.

  16. no it would take around 100 for you to be in serious trouble,

    no you can't Die i just tried it...........wait.... [Dead]

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