
CR 85 just stopped running while riding . Has gas and put new plug. Still will not start. Any advice?

by  |  earlier

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was actually riding down the trail when the engine stopped. as if it had run out of gas or fouled plug. Had gas and changed plug and stil will not start. You can kick it over. if piston locke up would you be able to kick it?




  1. Fuel ,spark oir air, and no..if it was locked up you could not kick the engine over.

    Start with air, thats the the air box and pull the filter, make sure it is clean, and nothing is blocking the air tube going into the carb, also make sure that tube is secure to the carb...make sure everything is clean, and tight, if not..fix it..if it is...

    Move to the spark... pull the plug out , hook the plug wire to it, hold it with a pair of COATED pliers, the kind with rubber on the grips, touch the element to the head or block and have someone kick start it, you should see the plug spark...does it? If not, the coil is probably bad.

    If so, move to fuel.. get some starting fluid, open the airbox and have someone spray starting fluid into the airbox while you kick the bike over, if it starts or tries to run, then you have a blockage somwhere, start at the petcock(Off/On dial under the tank)...pull the fuel line off and open the petcock..fuel should come out, if so..move to the carb, put the fuel line back on the petcock, and pull it off at the carb, open the petcock..fuel should come out.. if it does, then you probably have something in a jet clogging it. If fuel failed to come out at any of the steps, you know where you blockage is.

    If you haven't found it after doing all of this...take it to Honda.

  2. check iff its fludded, drain out the pertrol check the plug,gas,oil,piston, maybe the muffler is blocked up. Or put a new small top end rebuild in it maybe its time just put a good new bore in it, and a piston kit.

    How are the cr85 im thinking off geting a 85 are they good bikes im 12 years old 45kg 5ft are they powerful and fast.

    good luck

  3. well if you seized it you wouldnt be able to turn it over so if you can still kick it your in the clear. But have you checked if you have spark because if you shorted out a wire or a wire came unplugged you wont have any spark. After that check the carby, check all the jets and clean them out, the floats and all the fuel lines to see if there are any blockages. If it still doesnt run check the top end for any blow past and wear as well as any damage to the piston , ring or barrell. If none of this works take it to the bike shop, they'll know what to do.

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