
c**p I REALLY NEED HELP I broke my wall and need to fix it really fast PLZ HELP?

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c**p I REALLY NEED HELP I broke my wall and need to fix it really fast PLZ HELP?

I will post pictures of the wall. What happened was i was vacuuming and i slammed the vacuum against the wall by mistake and the side of the wall fell off. It isnt really a wall it is sort of some wierd pillar joined into the wall made out of a thin white drywall sort of thing. I have no knowledge of this sort of stuff so if anybody knows how to fix this and could give me detailed advice, i would be REALLY grateful. I have things in my garage like paint, orange peel splatter, caulk, plumbers putty, and spackling paste.




  1. Big holes in hollow walls are often a challenge for homeowners. The fix is surprisingly simple.

    The "fix" depends on what caused the hole!  If the hole is due to something or someone pushing on the hollow wall thus causing a caved in section, you will need to cut the wallboard back to non-damaged wallboard. If the damaged area crosses over a stud or butts up to a stud, the repair is the same.

    After cutting out any damaged drywall that was bent or pushed in, you are ready to proceed. Measure and cut a piece of 1/2" plywood that is 2" bigger in all directions than the hole to be repaired.  Cut this plywood in half.

    Fit the first half of the plywood repair panel through the hole and pull tight against the backside of the wallboard.  s***w in 1" or longer drywall screws pulling the panel tight against the wallboard. Place screws every 3 inches around the circumference of the hole as shown. Tighten screws enough to sink the s***w head in the drywall, but not so much as to go completely through.  A variable speed drill/driver comes in handy for this job!

    Now your wondering how we are going to hold the second plywood repair piece since we can't reach behind and hold it tight against the back of the drywall!  Your punch guy simply starts a drywall s***w in the center of the piece of plywood leaving half of it showing. This is his handle to pull on. (Smart huh!)  Insert and s***w this panel same as the first.

    Cut a replacement drywall piece to fit in the hole and s***w to plywood backing. Finish with tape and spackle as with any drywall seam.  This fix is almost as strong as the original drywall, and stronger than any other repair approach.

  2. Hi that an easy one to fix. Just get some premixed speckling compound and put it on over the spot. Wait for it dry over night then sand it smooth and paint it. When your done you wont even know what happened. I've got kids that have put holes in the wall like yours and the above is the way I fixed them.

  3. Who cares?

  4. Oh my! Can that piece fit back into the spot neatly? I would try that first, to see if I could glue it back - and if need be, spackle the edges smooth.  If you have the same color of paint it would really help. It doesn't look to be a big area, and I am sure you can mend it.

  5. go over it with the spackling paste.

    try to get it as smoth as you can with the trowel first, and then sand it totally smooth when it's dry, then paint over it.

    Dont try to glue the pice that came off back on.

  6. put some spackle over it and let dry

    touch up paint over the area

    you can also use drywall mudd if you have some but either way you will have to do touch-up painting

    also, after the spackling if it looks to rough you can use some sandpaper to even up before painting

  7. Go get yourself a small container of sheetrock mud and a 6'' sht rock taping knife.........and fill up the space flush with the other existing mud. I can tell you about body bondo or fast drying muds.......but just use plain will take about 3 coats and sanding and shaping between coats just make everything look like what your looking at........kind of like making a kid..........the mold is right in front of you:) All you did was break the mud off the metal corner molding or L's hard to tell.......the way I am telling you will take 10 min. each coat for 3 could do it all in 3 hrs with fast drying applications....but it's hard to explain if you haven't done it............good luck it will be fine.

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