
CRAYFISH!!! help?????

by Guest55592  |  earlier

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i just got given 4 crayfish because i have so many guppy fry but what else do they eat?




  1. Your soul.

  2. Crayfish are wild but many aquarist do have them in tanks. They will eat almost anything. Try small amounts of weenies, bolgna, ham just really small like the size of a dime and what they dont eat in 10 to 15 minutes take it out as this would cause extra cloudiness in the water.



  3. crayfish are wild animals, they should be treated as such. put them in the wild.  

  4. plants

  5. Wow. Maggie has a bug up her ***. They eat meat and they will eat each other if there is not enough food. Try frozen beef heart or blood worms.

    If they were wild you should return them. Odds are they were not so keep them.
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