
CRAZY cardinal?? HELP!! 10PTS TO BEST

by  |  earlier

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Northern Cardinal hangs out in lilac bush outside my window singing, well the a couple weeks ago i started whistling to it. NOW every morning he/she is in the bush singing, waiting for a response which i DONT give. Sometimes during the day ill whistle back, but it really seems like he/she is around the house 10 of the 12 hours of daylight. Is it lonely or? It also keeps slamming into this ONE window (right below mine), which thankfully has a screen over it so he/she just bounces off and hangs out in the tree. This has been going on for months and i just wanna know whats going on with this bird!! If it helps, the flying into the window thing started BEFORE the whistling/singing.




  1. Northern Cardinal males appear to be very territorial, even when it comes to seeing reflections.  Maybe this is whats causing your issue.

  2. Are you superstitious? Maybe somebody is going to die in your family and the bird is trying to fly into your house so you can panic and think that it is a sign that somebody is going to die in your family. Maybe it is you? Keep your windows shut. You and your family will live forever!

    MWAHAHAHAHAHAcough cough

  3. Animals like routine.  Also the bird might be a little slow...  Maybe it likes the smell of fresh lilac in the morning dew.

  4. If it's red, it's a he :)  Boy birds are usually more colorful, with cardinals, I know this is fact.  

    Usually birds fly into windows for a few reasons:

    they see their own reflection and want to run off the competition

    they see sky reflection and think they can go that way or sadly #3

    He may be ill and have eye issues.  Birds can become blind or sick from drinking dirty water or eating seed from dirty feeders.  It's bacteria and can make them blind or crazy.  People don't realize how important it is to clean feeders/bird baths for their feathered friends.

    There is a link below for tips on things you can do to try to deter him from the window.

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