Ok, so a few days ago we started up my CRF Honda 80. It was working fine, and had some old fuel in it. It had full oil as well. None of which was old. It has no oil problems, except a past problem, where the oil wasnt changed after riding for many days on end, and the filter wastnt changed. We had it fixed for $400, and it worked fine, since then we havent ridden much because its cold. It sounds like the key isnt in, if you have heard that, i even put a moderateley new spark plug in as well as the old one that i tried. Ive also drained the carb, done the choke, cleaned and oiled the filter, as well as sprayed the inside of of the filter with carb cleaner.
None of this worked, and it still sounds as though the key isnt in, but it is. Any solutions? Could it possilby be the old fule (2 months) or what?
Mail me if you need any more specs on it.
Thanx! =)