
CRIME... US vs Canada?

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I've been doing a LOT of reading as my husband and I are considering re-locating to Canada. Most everything I've read (until recently) indicates that there is far less crime in Canadian cities. However, I just recently came across a few older Y!A's that said crime was high and getting worse in cities like Vancouver and Toronto. Is this crime that they are talking about comparable to crime rates in the US? Or is it crime, relative to Canada - which I have heard up until this point is very low compared to the US. I've always been under the impression that Canadian cities, even the bigger cities are relatively safe. Anyone with knowledge or have experience in both US and Canada to know the difference?





  1. i live outside Toronto and used to work in the city. crime can happen anywhere even though a big percentage of the city is safe. i have even been involved in a break in which i was home for when it happened. i think crime in Toronto is kind of relative to the states since we have basically the same types of crime. i think we maybe had 100 homocides in the last year and a couple of arson attacs in and around the city. i don't mean to generallise but in Toronto i think it mostly happens in certain neighbourhoods so try to stay out of the bad ones and u should be pretty safe. try to feel safe when your in the city and be aware of your surroundings. keep your doors and windows locked at night.

  2. Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. Lived in Denver for 6 years.

    I do find/ know crime in Canada is MUCH less, (percentage based on population), than that in the US. There is a trend in larger/ growing cities here that says crime is rising. Especially violent crime. I suppose that is to be expected as urban centres grow and our current government makes little or no steps to curb weapon offences. About 5 - 10 years ago, ANY crime committed with ANY sort of weapon was considered extremely violent and rare and the punishment was severe.

    Now, I find, (and no offence), weapons related crimes are not treated as harshly as they once were. Maybe a symptom of a growing and more "Americanized" population? I don't know - depending on where you are currently and where you were thinking of moving, I am fairly confident in saying, "Yes", Canada is still generally safer than the USA>

    If you move, Welcome! You'll love the variety here!


  3. I think a huge factor to consider with this question is the mindset of Canadians as opposed to Americans. Perhaps not individually, but as a whole, Canadians are much more passive than Americans.  I live in what is said to be the worst city crime-wise to live in in Canada (not Toronto or Vancouver) and honestly, I feel safe walking down town or in (what little there is of) the hood after dark.  

    I can't say anything about Vancouver, having never been there, but Toronto feels a lot more American than the rest of Canada does. I would say, if you are interested in relocating and you want to live somewhere that has an extremely Canadian feel to it, move to a more moderate sized city such as Winnipeg, or Calgary, anywhere in the Maritimes, Saskatoon, Thunder bay. The people are friendly and marvelous and even though there's no way you can know everyone there's a sense of community you just don't find in other countries and larger centres.  I'm so off-topic now, but I hope it sort of helped.

  4. Yes the crime rates are forever growing in both Vancouver and Toronto but it's NOTHING compared to the crime rates in the states.  Every country that you visit will have crime and you have to be careful wherever you decide to go whether it's the safest country in the whole world or the most dangerous.  It also depends on what Canadian city you're thinking of moving to compared to what American city.  Obviously some Canadian cities will be more dangerous than certain American cities.  Overall the crime rate is lower in Canada and if you were comparing something like Toronto vs New York, Toronto would win for sure BUT again it depends which cities you are comparing and what provinces.

  5. I live in Vancouver and although you hear about crimes on the news, i am never exposed to them. If you stay in the right areas (like,dont go down east hastings) you will hardly ever feel threatened or unsafe.

  6. I can tell you I just broke up a fight in my classroom in the U.S. That's the third today I have seen and there are about that many everyday. I love all the gangs and easy access to weapons here in the U.S.

  7. hi

  8. Toronto and Vancouver are very similar, crime wise, to most large cities world wide - crime is higher because they are large and the numbers of people are higher. However, like other large cities, there are areas that seem to attract the criminal element more than others. Drug related crimes, including theft, are up. Murders are comparatively low but then Canada, unlike the U.S., has very strict gun laws and Canadians are not likely to have a bunch of guns just lying around the house. The chances of someone shooting first and asking questions later is not likely to happen. That does not mean that no one has a gun. The bad guys smuggle them in or steal them from the few registered gun owners out there. But having said that, it is unlikely, for example, that you would hear of some Asian kid walking up to someone's house, being assumed a bad guy and therefore shot to death.

    I lived for a time in northern California.  I saw more guns in 6 months there than I have in 60 years in Canada.

    Crime compared to the US is relatively low but not unheard of by any means.

  9. The crime in Canada is not  as bad as it is in the US, however, it's getting close.  The US is still in the lead, but Canada is not too far behind.  :--0

    BEST WISHES!!! :--)

  10. I don't think it has been safer in Canada for a long time.  The murder rate is lower but that is it.  A Canadian is twice as likley to be rape as an American.

  11. The important thing to me is that I feel safe walking the streets at any time.

    Yes there are more murders than there used to be, but usually due to drug gangs, and I have yet to see any personally.

    I must admit I have always felt safe in the states too, but i don't have that much experience.

    Come for a visit to see, you can stay at my place

    I came 38 years ago and stayed
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