

by  |  earlier

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everytime i click on any folder....ANY folder i get a pop up box saying

Critical Error!

Attention (my name here). Some dangerous viruses detected in your computer. Microsoft XP files corrupted. This may lead to the destruction of some files in C:\WINDOWS. Download protection software now!

Click OK now to download the anti spyware (Recommended)

ive uploaded image here

it has 2 options, yes or no. i always click no and when it does my browser (firefox) pops up with this website which says its "web forgery"

ok, my zonealarm wouldn't let me connect to the net, and so ive turned it off (prob 3 wks ago), so obviously something slipped in via firewall not being up. i'm having error 1720 with ad aware so i can't uninstall to install newer versions, i downloaded regsupreme and ran that, and whilst didn't fix this critical error.

i just want advice on how to fix this error please




  1. i think thats juist a pop up ad trying to get you to download a virus onto your computer

  2. OK - first thing is to get the latest version of ZoneAlarm = the Microsoft DNS 'Critical Bug Fix' broke Zone Alarm ... rather than wait for MS to correct it, a new version of Zone Alarm was released to get around the 'fix' .. (NB. the fact that an MS update broke what must be about the most common personal firewall going just shows how much testing their bug fixes get = of course conspiracy theorists have a different take on this :-)...)

    Next thing is to realise that by turning off your Firewall you have opened your PC to every virus. worm, root kit and key logger on the web .. it's like saying 'my brakes won't let my car go fast so I disconnected them' ...say bye bye to your PC = by now it's in the hands of some 'bot net' and some hacker 'owns' your PC, not you ..

    It may be possible to recover using virus/root kit/worm removal tools, however in most cases it's best to do a complete re-install (wipe the whole disk, repartition, reformat and install 'from cold'  ..) .. only restore data files from a backup that was made BEFORE you turned off the Firewall ..

    PS when reinstalling, make sure your Internet connection is unplugged (it's amazing how many times some-one has complained to me that, after spending hours re-installing, their PC is "still infected" .. mystery solved when I walk around the back and point to the lights blinking away on their Ethernet cable connection .. install the Firewall BEFORE connecting to the internet .. (get a 'clean' copy from a friends uninfected machine .. )

  3. pop ups that try to give you a virus

  4. Its adware or a Trojan, run Malwarebytes

  5. download this software and install . it will remove the malware in your computer

    i too had the same problem in my system .I tried and it worked properly

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