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ur in a void

like those white rooms

that go on forever

theres a door

and 3 light switches

the object is

u have to figure out what light switch turns on the light

in the other room

but u cant see thru the cracks in the door

so u gotta figure out someway

to know exactly what light switch

turns on the light

but once u open the door to see u have to know exactly which one it is

so u cant just like turn them all on

or do 1

then look

u gotta know exactly





  1. Flip the first switch for just a few moments, then turn it off.  Flip the second switch to the on position.  Open the door.  If the light is on, its the second switch.  If the light is off, but the bulb is warm, then its the first switch.  Lastly, if the light is off, and cold, then switch number 3 is the one that controls the light.

  2. dunno

  3. Well one of them is for the light in the room you're already in. So after you figure out which one turns the light on and off where you're standing, you're left with two.

    But why are there three light switches? What's the third one for? That's what I don't get... It should just be just two!

    Wait, is this a trick question? Like you're in a void so there's no power to turn the lights on anyway?

  4. Lol, I love this riddle. When I first heard it, I had no clue. Not I think it's so easy. Cockytiger is right, btw.

  5. Flick two on for a while then turn one off. Feel the two that are off. One will be warm, the other not. The light still on belongs to that switch, the bulb warm belongs to the other you just had on and the third has stayed off the whole time.

  6. Hmm...

    Is it a talking light switch? Then you could just ask it what light it turned on?

    Or like that other person said because it's a void do no lights turn on?

    Please post the answer soon!

    Unless that's what your looking for?


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