
CSA and irresponsible fathers - Who else thinks they're pathetic?

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I claimed over 2 years ago. My ex does work on and off but does not give me anything for our 5 yr old son, he has another child now with somebody else. I recieved about £40 from the

CSA over a few months and nothing now for well over a year, it's pathetic. I've tried asking him for money towards our son, he gave me £5 last week - how generous of him!

He does see his dad on a pretty regular basis but it's always when it suits him and I'm the one that does all the driving around as he doesn't have a car......I feel like a mug. He doesn't even give me a couple of £ towards petrol.

It's such a frustrating situation to be in, I'm a full time student and get by okay but that's not the point, I don't know what to do, this has gone on for more than 3 yrs now.

Does anyone else have similar stories of their kids dads not taking responsibility? I'd love to hear them.

Anyone else had similar experience with the CSA? I'm considering re-applying but got a feeling it'll be a big fat waste of time




  1. At least he is spending time with the kid.

    That is what matters more.

  2. when i was 6 my father left my mother. i have a sister who is a year younger than me as well. he pretty much disappeared from our lives most of the time and would show up maybe once a year and give us some money.. usually around 400$. i am 20 yrs old now and i haven't seen or heard from my father in years. he is not in my life and i believe that i am better off.

    my mother would always threaten to take him to court but never did so. i think that you might as well try because it can't get any worse. you might try to look into other agencies that are out there to help single mothers get the support required by law from fathers. i know that here in the states there are a lot of local advocacy groups that help with lawyers and such. i think that the fact that it has been years since you received any support that it should make for a speedy result.

    i saw the toll that the situation took on my mother, so i would just like to let you know how amazing i think single mothers are. my mother now is so strong because she sees how well i am and that i am becoming a successful person. she takes pride in the fact that she raised me alone with hardly any help.

  3. I have similar stories about mothers behaving irresponsibly towards their children, but I'm sure that's not as much fun.

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