
CSA major issue. What to do

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My ex owes £37,000 in child maintenance as he's hardly ever paid a penny, £28,000 of that is to me. The CSA finally traced him two years ago and payments have been intermittent at best. Currently no payments coming through as he's changed jobs and the CSA are having to trace him again.

I found out recently that the bulk of what he owes is sitting outside the 6yr period of limitations and that they can't enforce the recovery of this debt. If they had pulled their finger out earlier, surely they would have been able to retrieve some of the debt. I've written a very strong worded letter of complaint and have received a letter back stating it will be upto 15 days befor I hear anything.

Has anybody been through something similar with any recommendations as to what I can do?




  1. Whilst some of the debt is over 6 years old, there are some unusual situations to certain debts, one of which is child support. I can't be certain but you may have problems recovering any debt before 2001. I have read somewhere that the law about child support changed any any debt could be recovered from that date. I believe they will try to get all the arrears back.

    I assume the 9k is due to the government but any arrears recovered will go to you in the first place.

    You should put in a complaint about mal-administration, and use your rights under data protection to see all you documentation in the CSA files about you.If you get a payment its only £100 though but its better than nothing!

  2. Consult your MP asap.

  3. I don't know if you can ok hun, but try to find out if you can take him to court over the money, it might have to be a civil action you bring against him. If you can't get the £28,000 he owes to you, perhaps you can get the £9,000 he owes your child/children.

    Go to the Citizens Advice Bureau, they'll be able to point you in the right direction & tell you what your & your child/children's legal rights are.

    Good Luck. X :-)

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