
CS:S Source Engine has me stumped. How do I get it faster?

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OK, I'm getting really annoyed with Source Engine. My system is 1.7 GHz, 2 40GB HDs, 1GB PC133 RAM, and an AGP nVidia 5200 FX (DX 8) with 256 MB of video memory. Now, here's the interesting part. I only get about 2 FPS, but I have total overkill and run on lowest settings. I take this game, put it on a 1.6 GHz Laptop with 60 GB drive, 512 RAM, and 32 MB video RAM integrated nVidia (DX 8), and I can get close to 45 FPS on lowest settings. Both times, I was using a wireless network at 54MBs and good quality connections. Anyone know what I should do, or if not, what starting parameters I should use? Thanks in advance!




  1. Your weakest link here is your memory.  Even though you have 1gb, it is PC133, which is very slow RAM.  Your processor is also getting out of date and your video card as well was low end in 2005.  I'm truly sorry to say, it may be time for a pretty sizable overhaul on your PC.  Your motherboard will have to be upgraded so it will accept the newest memory (DDR2 4200 or better) your video card needs to be replaced with something newer (8000 or 9000 series nVidia or x1000 or HD 2000 or 3000, or at least a DirectX 9 card).  Sorry for the bad news, man.

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