How come everyone comments about "GROUNDFIGHTING" so much.
Bruce Lee did not do groundfighting and is considered the best. On the other hand, if Shamrock just lays on the ground and wait, then Cung would win. In a real streetfight, Cung can just walk away or just kick him as much as he wants. If Shamrock has someone hostage, Cung can free that person. Shamrock would have to stand up to prevent that. SOmeone can just take a metal bar and hit the ground, while Shamrock would have to stand up to prevent that. Even he gets that metal bar, he has to stand up to walk to Cung and hit him. Lets put it this way: It s about STAND UP. I have not seen any top martial arts movies with lame groundfights. Please comment only if u see it from all perspective.
IF Frank would HAVE WON, then we would comment: WELL IF HE PLAYS CUNGS GAME, CUNG IS THE BEST. THE FACT IS: SHAMROCK HAS TO PLAY CUNGS GAME, BECAUSE SOMEONE ON A GROUND has to stand up in order to start, continue or further the fight