
CVS extra bucks: Do I still get new extrabuck when I buy an item with cash+extrabuck?

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Iitem prices 20$ (with extabuck 5 $). Do I still get 5$ extrabuck if I buy it with 10$ cash+10 $ extrabuck?




  1. Yes you still receive your extra bucks even if you pay with coupons. People do this everyday and this is how they beat our system which is kinda bad for the comp. but good for consumers

  2. a good question... but here's my plan, when you go in, buy some small item with your card, the long list of coupons prints, then buy what you went for. Buying what you went for and then getting the coupons only frustrates me... I hafta remember to haul the dang things back t o the store, know what I mean?

  3. I believe so.

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