
Cab you kill a duck with a pellet gun with raptor pellets.

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  1. the best person to ask this question to, is a wildlife officer.

  2. If you want to go duck hunting, talk to some experts first.  Go to your local gun shop or hunting club.

    You obviously have no idea what you are talking about, and you are most likely only going to wound the duck or someone else.  You may even find yourself in trouble with the law for a serious offense.

    People who do stupid things like this make legitimate gun owners and hunters look bad and give us all a bad image.

  3. yes, throw the pellets in front of the duck to distract him then sneak up and club him with the pellet gun

  4. Yup

  5. A good head shot would kill him. I wouldn't personally use it but I bet it would work.  

  6. No. You'll run afoul the law, which is pretty picky about how, when and with what you can shoot ducks.

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