
Cable box in cabinet - remote will not work?

by  |  earlier

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I put my Time Warner cable box inside of a cabinet and now the remote will not work. I guess the signal wont go thru the cabinet. Any suggestions ???




  1. youll have to find something with a glass face or door.

  2. idk call the company an make them come out an fix it

  3. Your cable box probably still uses infra red technology which will not pass through many materials.  Newer remotes use radio.

    What you need is an infrared repeater or a saw.

  4. There is nothing wrong with the cable box. Most remotes today are INFRARED and will not work through solid objects. RF or RADIO FREQUENCY remotes are the ones that work through solid opaque objects. You can get a re-emitter for about $50. It consists of two small items with external or internal attennae. One device you place where you can easily point your remote. It will transmit the signal to the other device which you would place inside the cabinet. They must be plugged into an ac outlet and have a range of about 50 feet. You can use any remote and more than one at a time if configured properly. You can use them even on different floors of your home.

  5. yes like he said a glass face of take it out of the cabinet or leave the door open.

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