
Cables ranking and connection?

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Am i right to rank the cable in such a manner

For video:

HDMI, Component (Red, Blue, Green), COmponent (Red, White and Yellow). Is there any more that I'd left out?

For Sound:

HMDI, Optics and Coax (red & white). Is there any more that I'd left out?

And how do i connect my DVD, Sound Bar (Yahama) and LCD TV (Full HD) for best video and sound.

My DVD got these, 1 Optics port, 1 HDMI port, and normal coax ports.

My Full HD TV got these, HMDI port (x3) and normal coax ports

My sound bar got HMDI (one marked with "DVD In", one marked with "STB", and one marked with "HDMI OUT") and the rest can be seen in this link,,CNTID%3d5015804,00.html




  1. The guy above me pretty much covered everything but some more:

    Best place to buy (cheap!) cables would be: (Cheap cables) and (more "name brand" but more expensive).

  2. Cable ranking - you are pretty much there however red/white/yellow is not component it's a composite video (yellow) with left and right audio.  You also have DVI, s-video and RGBs, RGBHV etc. but that's not so relevant in your setup.

    Digital audio can also be done over a coax (the orange inputs on your Soundbar).  The red and white are stereo audio.

    Go HDMI from the DVD to the Soundbar HDMI DVD In then HDMI from the Soundbar  HDMI Out to the screen HDMI 1 In.

    That should give you the best sound and vision.  There is an argument for potentially connecting the DVD directly to the screen over HDMI and then using digital audio coax or optical for the audio into the soundbar but without testing it you will not see if the picture improves significantly.

    Cable - I would generally use QED or Chord but even a pretty basic HDMI cable should give perfectly acceptable results.

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