
Cadbury factory?!?

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Has anyone been to the Cadbury factory in Dunedin? Whats it like?




  1. My idea of heaven!!

  2. I hate to pan anything to do with New Zealand but, quite honestly, it isn't worth the trip. I have been twice; both times to take people who have asked to go. They make you wear silly protective hats and take off all loose jewellery and yet they don't actually let you anywhere near the chocolate. There is very little activity to watch (what you do see is from a distance and through perspex screens) and definitely do not go at the weekend when there is no activity at all. Check with reception (before you pay) as to what the level of activity is likely to be during your tour.  You will learn some interesting facts about chocolate but, in my opinion, the tour guides deliver their presentation in an extremely condescending manner and treat everyone like they're about 8 years old. Everything you learn will be from the guide and/or from video presentations. The so called 'waterfall' is no such thing. It is a large hopper filled with chocolate; as each tour group arrives, they release the chocolate and it falls down into a container below. When you leave, they pump the chocolate back up ready for the next group. As you go round they hand out little snack size bars of chocolate but there isn't anything that has been made before your eyes and is the same as you can buy in any shop anywhere.

    There are a lot more interesting things to see and do in Dunedin. So, unless you are going there during the chocolate festival, I would spend your time elsewhere.

  3. Yes, yes! and it is great you get chocolate to taste as well inc. new release stuff.  

    I like N.Z Cadbury chocolate best - it has "a glass and a half of full cream dairy milk".


  4. There's a British Cadbury and an American Cadbury.  The British Cadbury is made with finer chocolate and very flavorful, compared to the American version where wax is mixed in to prevent spoilage.  If you ever get a chance, try the Cadbury Flake bar,  extremely popular in the U.K.

  5. no sorry but if you get free chocolate im there!

  6. My friend went last year, she found it very interesting. It's very fun & informative and you get free chocolate at the end.

  7. I went when I was little, it was great, they gave out heaps of samples. they have changed it now so you cant go right up to the machinery but they made it more tour friendly. they made a chocolate waterfall but its prob not real! I walk past the factory sometimes and it smells nice, like chocolate! They also added a shop so you can buy chocolate from the factory. I think they tell you more about the history of chocolate too.

  8. oh yum i love cabury chocolate

    wheres dunedin?

    wait is that like in the uk

    sounds good should go there one day

    =P if u find out wat its like i would like to no sounds yum go steal chocolate hahah

  9. Never been to NZ but we have a Cadbury's factory here in Tassie and yummo.. you do the tour complete with a few samples and then get to buy things from the shop on the cheap and the big thing is to buy the boxes of "seconds" these are chocolates that the machines forgot to foil or to do it properly or  in some cases proper things like caramello, twirly curly's etc that were excess to a production run. They are really cheap and often only made available to people who tour the place. I dont know what the Dunedin scenario is like but based on the tassie experience get there as fast as you can.

  10. Have not been there - but if you go ask them why they do not have the chocolate filled eggs anymore in US on east coast?
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