
Caddyshack Birthday Party Theme??

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Hi I am planning my husband's 30th birthday party. I want a fun golf theme and thought of the movie Caddyshack (one of his favorite movies). I know that I would like guests to wear their tackiest golf attire, and I am renting an inflatable movie screen for next to the pool so we can watch Caddyshack and Happy Gilmore as the sun goes down. But I would love other suggestions for food, entertainment, decorations and ect.

Thanks in advance!!




  1. How to Host a Golf-Themed Party

    Things You’ll Need:

    Paper and pens for sign

    Glue, glitter, pens, and stickers

    Galvanized trash cans filled with clean fill and a plank

    Golf balls

    Hideous plaid fabric

    Room fresheners, incense, candles that smell like fresh-cut grass

    Putting course

    Beer, scotch, water, soda and ice

    Flirtini: A Guide to Mixing and Mingling


    Bar supplies: bottle openers, towels, buckets for trash, glasses


    Step1Make up a tweaked-out club membership policy. Send it out via e-mail or print it out and snail mail it. Sample text: "You are invited to participate in the [insert your name] Inaugural Beer-and-Scotch-Tasting Invitational, to be held at [insert location] on [insert date] at [insert time]."

    Step2Note that the invitation comes with a complimentary membership in The Golf Punks Association. Adherence to its rules is required for admittance.

    Step3Include a Dress Code: No visible animal logos, cardigans, cuffed shorts or periwinkle-hued anything.

    Step4Include a Code of Conduct: No equipment narcissists or ball-busting allowed. (Okay, mild ball-busting is permitted within the boundaries of bad taste.)

    Step5Explain the Privileges: Members are allowed to bring guests to club functions as long as those guests are not total stiffs.

    Step6Add a Final Notice: Membership has its privileges. Let the club manager know by [insert RSVP date] how many will be in your group [insert RSVP contact information].

    The Party

    Step1Hang a sign that says “Free your mind and your swing will follow” wherever guests will arrive.

    Step2Use galvanized steel trash cans with planks on top of them as a counter space. Fill them 2/3 of the way up with empty boxes and other clean fill materials. Then place a sturdy plastic bag over the stuffing and fill it with ice and bottles of beer, soda and water. You can also lay a piece of hideous plaid fabric over a table to make a bar if you aren’t crazy about the trash can idea.

    Step3Place a bucket for cap-flipping. You’ll be amazed at the wide variety of techniques cap-snapping guys have perfected, and they love showing golf babes their form.

    Step4Set up a small putting course and feature a hole-in-one contest.

    Step5Let people customize their golf balls by having a craft station set up with glue, glitter, sharpies and stickers.

    Step6Introduce the group to a variety of off-the-wall traditional brews. Ale-styles include Scottish-style heavy, German-style Hefeweizen and Belgian-style fruit lambic. A scotch tasting is easy to set up. Grab a variety (three will do) of single malts from different regions of Scotland, like Speyside, Islay, Highlands, and Lowlands. A scotch specialist at your local liquor store can help you out. Then pour an ounce in a glass, sniff it, add a splash of room temperature water, sniff it again and taste it. You’re looking for specific attributes and characteristics of the scotch. Check out the link below for details.

  2. I know you already got tons of great suggestions but I just thought I'd add in a few more and hope it's ok.

    Get some lounge chairs and waterproof cushions/pillows for around the pool so when people aren't swimming and want to lounge out, they can hang out and use the poolside as a lounge area.

    Get an inflatable boat or two and fill it with ice and bottled drinks.  Put it in the pool and have it float around with everyone.  It will be a cool decoration and when someone wants a drink while in the pool, it's right there.  Just remind swimmers that the caps can be dangerous for the filters and please respect that so please put the caps back into the boats or back onto the bottle.

    Hang some clear stringed Christmas lights around the pool and party area.  Instead of having nighttime bright flood or outside lights, it will add such a nice atmosphere and party mood to have them light up the party area.  String them through the trees, around the pool and wherever the party is.  It will set a nice atmosphere and lighting.

    I LOVE the idea of the musical gophers!  I would buy a bunch of them and place them throughout the party so that guests would come upon them through the party.  I'd get a mini inflatable boat, and put one in there and float him in the pool.  I'd put one by the food with a fork in his hand, I would put one by the bar, etc.   You can even buy just regular stuffed ones, they all don't have to be musical.  I would definitely buy a mini toy golf cart though and put one in there! LOL

    I would go to Blockbuster and get some of the cardboard popcorn buckets and let everyone have their own popcorn bucket during movie time.  You can also get some of the big boxes of movie candy and have everyone share them during the movie.

    For food, go with what you and your family and friends like.  If your husband likes bbq, have a bbq, if he loves pizza, do a pizza party!  It's his party and you want to have fun, there's no sense in serving something that you don't like because of a theme, serve what you like and enjoy!

    I LOVE your theme and ideas! I hope you have a great party and that your husband has a Happy Birthday!

  3. make all the orderves mini and round like golf balls.....meatballs, devil-eggs, melon balls, choc balls, cheezey poofs, cherry tomatoes, cheese balls, grapes...etc..

  4. Oh!  You NEED some of those battery GOPHERS that sing & dance!  (well,they might actually be hamsters, but that's close:). I know K&B Toys has them - they have different costumes and dance to different songs and are SO CUTE!  (you might find them on eBay - they're about $10 each) .......You can buy squares of artificial turf to put under platters of food (I bought some for $1 each, to use at Easter)  ...  I saw an episode of Dinner Impossible on tv the other day, and Robert used golf clubs to skewer large beef tenderloins to cook on the BBQ (search Food for Dinner Impossible, for the entire golf menu)

  5. Best dressed competition might be fun.  Putting competition with a child's set of golf clubs, the plastic kind - could even do that blind folded.  Play the music from Caddyshack.  Maybe a Trivia contest before the movie starts.

    Keep the food simple, the games and movie will be the highlight of the day.  By the way AWESOME idea and I am going to use that one sometime soon.

    Grill burgers and hot dogs, serve salads and popcorn for the movie.

    My recipe for grilled cheddar burgers is great - served with green Chile's and grilled onions:

    Have Fun.  Again, great idea.

  6. Have plenty of Trail Mix and beer.

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