
Caffeine, heart rate and working out?

by  |  earlier

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One of the things I did earlier this year was to abolish caffeine from my diet. I figured after 30 years of the stuff, it was time for it to go (and the habits that go with it -- for example, with a coffee, I'd be tempted to add a bagel, etc.).

I really suffered no ill effects except about two weeks of headaches, and continued with my workouts and seem to have toned up a bit. My blood pressure, which had been a slight problem when I was on caffeine, became low-normal.

But recently I had a relapse. I work at a college and school started again, and I found that I needed a caffeine boost to get through a killer stretch. During this time, I noticed my average heart rate on the elliptical machine was 160 as opposed to 140 without caffeine.

I am back on the no-caffeine bandwagon now and notice my heart rate is back to 140 or so average on the machine.

But it begs the question -- is caffeine good for a workout if it does get the heart rate up like that for people like me? 160 is better than 140, right?




  1. i like your way of thinking, i had the same thought process when i smoked years ago.. if i smoked and it was harder to breathe when i had to run during training days, was i getting a better cardio workout rather than doing the workout as a non smoker??? and i must ask you this, why dont you  up the intensity of your workout to reach 160 bpm when you are not taking caffeine?

  2. Drink decaf if you need that caffeine hit.

    Here are a couple of links

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