
Caffeine Free Mountain Dew?

by  |  earlier

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I know this sounds insane, but does anyone know if Caffeine free mountain dew exists, and if so, where the heck I can find it? And Yes, I know its not the same without caffeine, but I'm pregnant and have to seriously limit my caffeine intake, but I'm constantly insanely craving mountain dew! And I've tried to just sub it with 7-up and stuff like that but its not the same =(




  1. there sure is . and if you ask your grocer they will do there level best to get it for you PROVIDING you continue to buy it from them. You are craving  the sugar in the soda be very very careful or you could end up with gestational diabetes!  there is so much sugar in a 12 oz serving of soda it is phenomenal! ounce for ounce about 1 teaspoon of sugar. so if you drink a 2 liter in 1 day you have consumed,

    are you ready for this  67 tsp of SUGAR! or! 22 1/3 tsp and there are 16 TBSP per cup SOO, 1 and( just a tad less than) 1/2  cups of sugar

    MMMMM now that's tasty!   that could really pack on the baby pounds during pregnancy. I would really try to fight the urge or drink the diet caffeine free

  2. Yes, caffeine free mountain dew exists. It is not very popular though and the pepsi distributor in your area may not even carry it. In my area, Pepsi carries caffeine free mountain dew only in 2 liter bottles. However, it is up to their sales people to decide whether or not they want to carry it in a certain store.

    The very best thing you can do is try requesting it at your local grocery store. The store management will talk to their pepsi rep for you and can find out if they can get it. If Pepsi carries it in your area, they can bring it into the store for you. If Pepsi doesn't have it, you won't be able to get it anywhere in your region. Either way, you'll have an answer.  

  3. Iy, yi, yi! I feeeeel your pain! I am, too, a hopeless addict. Unfortunately there isn't any JUST caffeine free mountain dew (or so I have yet to find it..), but I think there used to be. Now you have to resort to DIET caffeine free MD. The diet is a little hard to get used to, and I think the stuff they use in diet pop is bad for the baby. So you kind of have to decide which out weighs the other ya know? 3- 8 oz cups of coffee a day is fine while pregnant though- so if you can cut back that should be good enough :) Obviously you'll want to have as little of caffeine as possible just to be safe though.

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