
Cage match between Count Chocula and Frankenberry: Who would win?

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No holds barred between these two paranormal cereal mascots. Who would win and why?




  1. Well, the unfair advantage is that the Count could simply turn into a bat and fly off if he got cornered by Frankenberry. But I think eventually he'd make a mistake and Frank would squash him like a bug. I'm going with Frankenberry on this one.

  2. Personally I would place my bet on Frankenberry.  He's already undead, so Count Chocula doesn't have much on him.  Although, now that I think about it, he's pretty slow.  Still, strength wins out over fashion sense.  The winner: Frankenberry.

    Now I ask you:  Who will win between Boo Berry and the Lucky Charms leprechaun.  Knowing your affinity for leprechauns I don't think Boo Berry's your favorite.

  3. This questions seems eerily familiar.;...

    Frankenberry definitely has the reach and physical strength in the matchup, but is unfortunately just a big galoot.  I'd put my money on Chocula, provided he has full vampire powers, he would have the elusiveness to wear out the competition.  Chocula's real competition is his next fight, the Count from Sesame Street.

  4. Muah ah ah ah. The Count would suck the life out of Frankeberry. Who wouldn't die but would come back able to talk in the rematch. He would stomp the Count out of existence. Only he would be back for match 3, s**y and young and he would trounce Frankenberry to death. But he would be back for match 4, gigantic and able to breathe fire. He would reduce the Count to ashes. But he would be back for match 5, able to become invisible. . .

  5. These things usually end undecided.That way more interest is generated for the rematch.The paranormal is for serious beings like ghosts,demons and leprechauns.Count Chocula and Frankenberry probably aren't even real.

    Edit.Sorry,you're right it is closed minded.Let me change it to perhaps aren't real.

  6. CEREAL is the work of the DEVIL, open the box and DEMONS will be released. Stop this wicked consuming of GRAINS and pray to almighty, merciful GOD that he will clasp you to his BOSOM and crush the rice bubbles from your immortal SOUL!

    Kelloggs 3 Verses 5-9

  7. chocolate...yum

  8. franken berry has the reach advantage but he's not very smart. i think the count can make him submitt on the ground.

  9. I think Frankenberry would give Count the Boo Berry smack down, rip off the Counts' wings, then put the Counts' head in the castle toilet and give him a swirly.

  10. It's a repeat of the Thrilla in Manilla with Count Chocula as Ali and Frankenberry as Goerge Foreman.

    Count Chocula takes the initial advantage by turning into a bat, flying around Frankenberry. puts on the ropes, but Frankeberry strikes back. but Chocula is too quick.

    Frankenberry wears himself out.

    Chocula senses weakness and goes in to suck some blood.

    But wait, Frankenberry has no blood, he has cranberry juice running through his veins: moribund cranberry juice. the Ph is to much for Chocula to handle. he gets dizzy and finally Frankeberry connects a K.O. blow and wins in the 7th round.

  11. as both are undead, neither could die.

    Rather one could rip the other limbless, in which case Frankenberry should win.

  12. in my bowl it would definately be count chocula! (all time favorite cereal!) but it depends on wether or not booberry is the referee!

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