
Cairn holding up hind leg occasionally?

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Hello my 4 year old Cairn has began to hold up her left hind leg from time to time. When she does this there is no yelp or sign of pain. She had luxating patella surgery on her right patella at a 1.5 years and with that she yelped loudly and showed much pain when I would rub it until the patella would go back into place. With her current leg raising I am able to massage it and check her patella without her seeming affected. Her muscle seems tight but she is holding her leg up.

My question is does this sound more like a cramp to any of you or could it be another luxating patella?

And also has anyone had any experience with Cushing's disease in dogs? I also have my worries about that.






  1. Unfortunately, luxating patellas seem to come in pairs.  So, yes, I do think your dog has another luxating patella.  You need to have your vet evaluate it.  This leg may or may not ever need corrective surgery.

    Sorry, I don't know anything about Cushing's except that I think it's common in Dachshunds.

  2. I'd get that patella checked out! it could be just starting to have issues, or it could be another joint or muscle problem. Your vet can tell you what it is and whether or not it's truly severe.

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