
Calculating my tax deductions?

by  |  earlier

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How do I find out how much tax is supposed to be coming off my paycheck? I think my boss has me in too high of a tax bracket and I'd like to find out for myself where I really should be, using the information on my pay stub, imputting my horly wage, gross pay ect.. Are there any sites I can do this on? I can't seem to find them, but I'm no good at this stuff.





    THis will let you check it out yourself.

    You employer cannot 'gyp' you by withholding too much tax.  Unless he is a complete fraud, any excess tax withheld will just increase your refund at the end of the year.

    Check your pay stubs regularly, and make sure the year to date figure is correct.  But really, if you distrust your employer that much, get a new job.

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