
Calculation of Social Worth..?

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The government(s) always wants to use metric to calculate everything. Many 'equations' just show a relationship rather than a hard number {in my experience: see Economics}.

Can we generate an equation to show social worth, in this way we can compare different individuals and careers and highlight discrepancies.

So Far I have

Worth = [Risk] * [Demand] * [Marketability] * [Skills] * [Impact] * [Social Need]

Has anyone got anything else to add or any comments to make?

Risk; Either physical or financial risk of failing

Demand ; Number of individuals that can do your job/ number of individuals with the skills.

Marketability; 'Popularity' of role.

Skills; calculation of skill set- either educational or other

Impact; What you do and what would happen if you didn't

Social Need; Requirement {Doctors etc would score high here..}




  1. That's a true elitist thought.The lluminati already views us as cattle.That's why the word personnel was changed to human resources a few decades ago.They already have the formula my friend.

  2. Excellent idea. lol.

    It has always puzzled me from where the differentials in pay scales & social worth  have originated.

    Whether it is a natural phenomena or artifically created.

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