

by Guest59641  |  earlier

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If i rode my bike 5 miles in a time of 25 minutes. then i rode back 5 miles, but i was tired and it took me 35 minutes. What was my biking speed for the first part of the trip? what was my biking speed for the second half of the trip? What would you say my biking speed was for the whole trip?




  1. what kind of bike are you riding? were you going uphill or downhill? what was the tire pressure? did you have water to dink along the way? was there any wind? Did you stop for any reason besides being tired? How much do you weigh?

    When you answer these items I will be able to answer your question.

    Hope this helps

    EDIT: Why are you asking homework questions here? It's against YA policy to ask for homework answers. Did you know this? And it's morally wrong to cheat, did you know this?

    Yes it is J. read it yourself. You can ask for help not answeres which is just what our boy did here. You giving answers, not help is cheating as well.

  2. hahahaha - busted cheating huh boy?

    The answer you are looking for is.... 42

  3. On the first half, you averaged 12mph and on the second half, you averaged about 8.5mph.  Your total trip was 10 miles and it took you 1 hour so your total average is 10 miles per hour.

    This is a simple question, I have no idea why someone was asking what kind of bike you have, what your tire pressure was, or what hills were involved.  Speed = Distance / Time

    By the way it's not against the rules to ask homework questions, try actually reading the rules:

    It is against the rules, however, to tell someone to "do your own homework."

  4. Buy a computer, they are reasonable priced recommend Cateye.
You're reading: Calculation?

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