
Calculator for Cal 2?

by Guest59408  |  earlier

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I'm currently in Trig and I need to buy a graphing calculator. However next year I'll be talking Cal 2. I cannot use a anything higher than a TI-84 on exams. So, can the TI-84 perform everything I need to do in Cal 2? Or should I just get a more powerful calculator now?




  1. I used a TI-85 when I was in college the first time in '92 .. The current TI-84+ is mostly the same thing, with more power.

    The TI-84 (I'd recomend getting the +) should be fine for your calculus classes.

  2. Get the TI-83 b/c its much easier to use than the 84, the more powerful graphing calculator you get the more it will be able to do but it will be that much harder to use. I brought the TI-89 for college calculus and I had to use funky key strokes to do simple calculations such as addition and subtraction.

    Hope this helps

  3. i really dont care -)
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