
California Adventures Ride Question!!!?

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At California Adventures in Anaheim, if i can handle the ride tower of terror do you think i'd be able to handle maliboomer? The other straight drop ride thats similar to supreme scream?...




  1. yes, i think so. (see what the girl above me says) however, the mailboomer is different from the tower of terror in a few ways; if you are afraid of heights, the mailboomer is NOT for you (i can do the tower, because i cant see the ground below me-it's all inclosed-im terrified of heights myself) other people don't like the feeling of having thier feet dangling below them. if that doesn't bug you, you should be fine =0)

  2. Yes you should be able to handle it. The tower of terror I think is even higher up. Also in the tower of terror you aren't strapped down as tightly as the maliboomer. The maliboomer is probably less intense other than the fact that you can see how far you are being dropped.

  3. Trust me the Tower of Terror is really scary.

    Im 13 and i couldn't handle it for my 1st time.Now its my 2 time and i love it!!!The Maliboomer is a little more intense.Its higher and to me it feels faster.U may or may no like it.My mom and brother are terrified of it but i love it.I wanted to go on it a second time but my mom said she would not on it with me.

  4. It's a lot scarier when your outside at that height.

    Big minus is that there is a shield in front of your face so you don't get the full effect of the wind.

    Hurry up and get there though, it's scheduled to be torn down soon.

  5. Tower of Terror drops you, and then you are draged up and dropped over and over.

    Wheras on Maliboomer, you are shot up, fall down, and bounce 3 times. You experience more 0 G's ( get that weightless feeling) on the ride. Byt the way, it looks similar to supreme scream, but SS drops you.

  6. Yes you can. If your good on Supreme Scream, you'll be good on Maliboomer. The only differnece is Maliboomer is a little more intense and taller. But its fun! You'll LOVE IT!

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