
California Earthquake "Big One" coming very soon?????

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I felt the Chino hills earthquake here in Torrance, my family is scared, i've heard that there is a big one that will strike, now that an earthquake has shook us here, I am very curious if the big one will strike tomorrow, or soon, like is it possible to have another earthquake after another, first a weak one then a disastrous one?

Since the media doesnt care about the possibility of another earthquake, we are planning to move somewhere else away from california, is this necessary, I dont wanna leave my friends behind, but i know my parents are thinking of my safety, but im trying to explain is no big deal but I am also scared if a big earthquake might hit us soon, also what is the best to do in an earthquake, stay inside under table, or go outside in the middle of the road??




  1. How old is your house? I heard that newer houses have earthquake protection. My house was just made a few months ago so it has earthquake protection. Ask your parents if your house has earthquake protection. Just remember  that you duck and cover underneath a table when an earthquake happens. Then you're safe! so don't worry so much. I live in Diamond Bar which is really close to Chino Hills. I just woke up when the earthquake happened. I was so shocked!

  2. There will be a big earthquake within the next 90 days, but it will not be in California.  Write it down and check with me in 90 days.  There will be a big earthquake in California, but not for a a couple of years, we are too far away to tell you when.  Stay inside, get a big sturdy table not the Wally world on sale table with wobbly legs.  If you go outside you are at risk of getting injured by cars, power lines, poles, and debris.  If you are in a two story house, move to a one story.  If an apartment move to a one story house.

  3. Im scared about the big earthquake thats going to happen too but being scared is not going to help in anything. Its better to be prepared make an earthquake safety kit filled with water bottles, a first aid kit, food, flashlight and more. Also make a family earthquake plan just in case of an earthquake. When the big earthquake is going to happen its going to happen we cant stop it from happening. Also if you believe in God at least every night pray to him and ask him to take care of you,your friends, and family. Also thank him for taking care of you every day.

  4. if you move to other places, you will have other natural disasters..

    examples!! :]

    1.midwest: tornadoes!

    2. east: hurricanes!

    3.south: hurricanes!


    5. hawaii: volcanoes!!!

    think about it..

  5. check this out!

    i am 5 min away from chino hills and i felt it way strong. But however bad the earthquake was i would not move from cali. i love cali. i rather go through e.q every other years than go through tornados,hurracaines....etc. in other states. which happens more frequently than e.q. .....the best thing to do is hide under something sturdy like a table or desk. they said going outside is wayy to dangerous, cables could fall on you, the floor can crack, they said more death happen to those who are outside rather than the ones that stay inside. never stand on the inside of a door because that will most likely fall if the house is falling. ( so the news says) just stay under the table and duck and cover!!!

    hope this helps!

  6. This earthquake should be due to the energy transfering from China to Russian & Japan and then to South Calif. This may trigger a bigger one. It is safer to move to the East or to the North.

  7. this is a free country, what i mean is, you have the freedom to move about the country, my advice is this,  if you are afraid of earthquakes, maybe you should stop living on a major fault line,  and move some place else,  it amazes me how people get mad at earthquakes, yet build huge cities on top of fault lines, or get upset when a city burns from being on the bottom of a volcano,  or loses their home living in tornado valley,  come on people,  lets use more common sense

  8. I am kinda glad Chino Hills earthquake happened rather than "The Big One." Have friends who lives in the LA area.

    This quake may have released the pressures along the faults surrounding the epicenter.

    So, "the Big One" is delayed for a certain number of yrs more as more pressure needs to be applied in the faults again to trigger "The Big One."

    Correct me if I m wrong...

    Btw, I m surprised there is no scientific write-ups on-line on the possible link of the july 30th quake and "The Big One"

  9. It is sad that when you ask a question, people give ridiculous answers like "liberals should die" or "stop being wussy."  I would not pay attention to these answers.

    If you really want good answers to your question, ask a teacher, or begin a search at a library.  If you go on-line, try to get answers from web-pages that are actually made by scientists or at the least, newspapers.  Be careful listening to people who just answer on yahoo because often they just voice their opinion but don't give you the real facts.

    Here are two very good links to more information about earthquakes:

    the first page is a link made by the Emergency Services, the people who are actually paid to research these question and give people answers.  The second is a questions/answers article that is in simpler English and should be a good source of information for you and your family.  But you don't have to take my word for it.

    the best advice is to be prepared, find real safety officers, scientists, or teachers who can help you get answers.

    Best wishes.

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