
California Highway Patrol's policy on the visible tattoos?

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Does anybody know what the California Highway Patrol's policy is on visible tattoos. I also at one time was enrolled in San Mateo County mental health services but not for anything major. Just some small problems that since have been worked out. I am very interested in joining the force, but I don't have much hope for these reasons. It says nothing in their requirements about tattoos. Any advice would help.




  1. You'd have to ask them to be sure; but in most cases you can't have tattoos which are visible when wearing your normal uniform - i.e. nothing on the face, neck, hands or forearms.  They might make exceptions.

    Incidentally, if you do apply make sure you come clean about your history; it's better to not get the job, than have them find out later you hid something.

  2. --- I think the message and context of the tattoo have a lot to do with its acceptability. I have seen USMC tattoos on the forearm of CHiPs before, but I doubt a gang tattoo would be acceptable. Most tattoos can be removed with laser technology though it can be expensive.

    --- I think your "enrolled in San Mateo County mental health services" will likely be a game stopper for you though.

    --- I suggest that you do the following for both questions before you invest any real time or energy in having a career in law enforcement. I suggest you simply contact the California Highway Patrol and ask them directly as they suggest at their site.

    --- This is quoted from the CHP Recruiting site:

    See [a] in the source box

          "If you have any concerns regarding whether you may have an issue in your background which may lead to disqualification, it is highly recommended that you contact the CHP Applicant Investigation Unit for assistance PRIOR TO beginning the selection process. While our investigators cannot divulge the CHP's specific disqualification criteria, through a candid dialogue with you they can provide guidance and assistance in helping you evaluate your personal characteristics as they relate to the CHP's automatic disqualification criteria. The Cadet Hiring Unit can be reached Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) at (916) 375-2180."

    See [a] in the source box

    --- Then you can know for sure whether you can get in or not with your tattoos and you past mental health concern.

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