
California Homeschoolers What are your options???

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Yesterday was certainly a major setback and quite honestly I don't care what the GP perceives concerning homeschooling we all know that there is no comparison between public, private and homeschool. When they get the drugs, guns, perversion and ungodliness out of the schools then and only then could there even be a thought that it is even a consideration but I doubt it.

So my question is what is your next course of action?




  1. Please get your facts straight.

    Stop the fear mongering.

  2. I don't live in CA, but if I did, I really wouldn't be concerned since the STATE superintendent has said that he has no plans to change anything.

    As the man said, stop the fearmongering.

    If you KNOW that the media is skewed, then why are you only listening one side? The other side, straight from the horse's mouth, says that nothing will change.

    I'm not bashing anyone or anything. I'm only saying that to repeatedly post false information without basis (ie "yesterday was a setback")  is considered fear mongering. There is no point to that, since nothing has changed according to the superintendent of California schools.

  3. California is a Liberal hotbed.  Until the people of california realise that the democrats are bad and evil and wicked, and they want to control your lives, and turn the country into a socialist nation, things down there will not ever change, actually, I take that back, they will change, california will become mexico's newest state.

    Additional edit. You've got to lead a revolt against your polititions and get them out of office

  4. No law has changed in CA.  I repeat, no law has changed.

    Please see the Q & A's regarding this topic that have popped up the last few days.


    I don't have all the links.  Just search for "CA homeschooling", or scroll through the past two pages of this forum, and you'll find all of the discussion.

    The Old Schoolhouse Magazine posted a very concise info packet this morning.

    Here is the court opinion:

    And CA groups statements:

    The case is much more about child abuse (that had been happening for two decades) than it is about HS'ing.

  5. not good

  6. I'm not in California, but I'm reading the news articles out of concern for you folks. Two options that may help you get by, homeschooling through a private school that you set up and homeschooling through a charter school that lets you work from home seem to be under fire as well.

    I don't think you are going to have any problem at all although the situation certainly looks threatening right now. The state does not want to spend money educating 200,000 new students. That would cost about $2,000,000,000 and the state doesn't have that money. That is the bottom line. The state doesn't have the money and so either the court or the legislature will address the situation.

    If the state did have the money to educate your children and they did force you to stop homeschooling, all you would have to do is set up a home school as a private school at your local church. Maybe you would just show up at a room in your church.

    There is no next course of action, other than activism. Make sure your legislature knows where you stand. You can also write the judge who will hear the case, but know that your letter will become public information.

    My home schooled son wanted to go to public school and his behavior in home school was not good, so I gladly sent him. He went to middle school but went over to the high school for math. The first year, a high school boy killed his middle school sister, another boy died riding a skate board while holding onto a car and one other boy killed himself by hanging. As if that wasn't bad enough, my lawyer friend told me that he represented some children at the school in sexual assault (child upon child) cases. I'm not a religious person, but I certainly was shocked by all of this. It was far worse than drugs and guns. Also, I attended an upper middle class high school and my high school just had three rapes and a sexual assault all committed by one ninth-grader. Disturbed kids used to attend elsewhere, now they are mainstreamed! And there are more of them! So, you are right to be concerned about public schools.

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