
California Horse Slaughter Rescues?

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If anyone could give me the websites of some California horse rescues that buy horses from kill auctions and adopt them out to loving homes that would be great.

I am looking for a well established rescue that I can donate to.




  1. There are many organizations that deal with that kind of stuff and you can look it up online. I donate to the United States Equestrian Federation who prints holiday cards but donates the money into rescuing horses.

  2. TB Friends, hands down.  Give Joe a call, that is what he does 24/7.  He will hook you up with exactly the horse you're looking for.  He's a wonderful person and will go to the ends of the earth to help people and animals.

  3. definitely TB friends! It's the largest horse rescue in the US, he mostly takes TB's from feedlots that are headed to slaughter in Mexico or Canada, but he also has been facilitating adopting lots of horses out from ranch foreclosures. You can check out the website,, there is a daily journal that's great to read too : )

  4. this place is AWESOME!!!

    Edit...LOL...looks like a lot of us love TB friends. =)

  5. Well horse slaughter is no longer really that big of a deal in america. In 2007 horse slaughter was outlawed in the US, so the only real slaughter houses are in canada and mexico. For the price of shipping and the value of horse meat, most people do not want to buy horses in the us and ship them south or north. Its just not really worth it.

  6. I've heard good things about TB Friends, but I see you've been provided with links and numbers. Thanks for your contribution to this cause :)

    Anubis Star* - I hope you are kidding. Most of our Canadian equine slaughterhouses are OVERWHELMED with American horses. I admittedly don't know about Mexico. Not even a month ago I purchased two mares from a local meat buyer, one from Nevada and one from Idaho. They had been purchased at auction and shipped across the line to go to the kill plant. It is heartrending to walk through those pens and know you can't save them all. Yes, it is still an issue in the States... these horses are packed into cattle liners and dumped in kill buyers yards waiting for another truck so they can be packed on that one too for the shorter ride to the slaughterhouse.

    I don't want to open a can of worms here, but I truly feel that your comment needed correcction.  

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