
California Speeding Ticket Question?!?

by  |  earlier

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I just got a speeding ticket on the freeway going 95 mph when the speed limit is 65. I'm a few months shy of 18 and they are sending me to court. I heard you can get your license taken away. Is this true? It's only first ticket but is it possible?




  1. Yes it is true.

    20 over the speed limit is considered wreck less driving.

    Get an attorney

  2. 30 MPH over the limit?  WhoooWEEEE!  That's gonna be one expensive ticket!

    It may go down as reckless (not "wreck  less") driving, which would be even worse.  

    After you are done with the fines, your insurance rate is going to be sky high for many years.

    I hope you enjoyed that little fling, because you are going to be paying for it for a loooooong time.

    And yes, you might lose your license for a while.

  3. Yes anything can happen but you can ask the judge if you can take a defensive driving course and then stay clean for 6 months, good luck....

  4. Depends on the Judge.

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