
California highway patrol dash cameras?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know for sure if the chp have dash cams and if so are they always acivatied during a traffic stop?i have researched the web for hours and get conflicting answears.most info indicates that they dont,and some state only that the k-9 units have them ,so if anyone is sure if they do ornot please tell me,its crucial in my case.thxs alot.




  1. they are activatied duriing a traffic stop indeed.

  2. They may have them where you are and they may not.  If it's that crucial, this must be a serious case and your attorney will know how to obtain copies of the tape if it exists.

  3. CHP does not have cameras in all thier vehicles, but some do.  They are equipped with audio as well.  CHP will be installing them in new vehicles I believe in 2009 and by 2011 all the vehicles will be equipped.

  4. They dont have them....yet

  5. all police cars activate  24/7 specially during a traffic stop. Its for liability issues if pple try to say the cop beat them up !

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