
California just passed hands free for cell phones but, what about makeup, food and text messaging?

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I read the California hands free cell phone law. What a joke. You can still text message as long as you are over 18. I can drive a stick shift, change cd's and talk on my cell phone much better than one who is applying makeup or eating. Give me a break. If non native californians would go back to whatever state they came from we wouldn't have this problem. How bout just no cell phone use while driving. I mean can't a person not talk for a few minutes and if needed pull over and do it hands free or not. How about a people whom cannot merge or parallel park law. That would make the state some money. But, I refuse to put an object in my ear and drive cuz if it did fall out I, as would others, would swerve all over the road to retrieve it off the floorboard. So, leave a message and I will call you back works real real good.




  1. Just today, even though it's supposedly a law now, I saw about five people talking away on their cell phones, both on the streets and highways.

    Love how the CHP is enforcing the law.

    I can't stand drivers who JUST HAVE TO talk on the phone. They brake too early, too frequently and their speed fluctuates erratically.

    I do wonder, though, since it's OK by law to use a phone on private property, I guess that means people can drive like idiots while talking on their cell phones in parking lots.

  2. It does sound like a rant but I understand. Its unbelievable what some people do in their cars-but not just in California. Also, its not out of staters-its all types. I have a thing about the dangerously slow drivers and those who speed up, go around you and then break-geez! Its not like one gets there faster! In Washington DC and NYC we noticed the honking, honking, honking! In So Cal I'm afraid some one would get angry and shoot at you! (joke-but not) People cause more problems driving while stupid then anything else-unfortunately we can't ticket that!

    Texting should be part of the non use too-and I just got my first bluetooth due to the new law-really-its no problem and you could just use your speaker phone too-

  3. Sooooo, what's your question? Sounds more like a rant than a question to me......

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