
California kingsnake and UV lighting.?

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i had my calking for a long time now and he is very healthy but i do have a question. i been using a light the emits UVA only. should i buy a light the emits both UVA and UVB?




  1. they dont need it...i dont use any light (excpet for what is in the room during the day) on my kings at all i only use an undertank heater for them

  2. full spectrum is not necessary for your kingsnake

    they're nocturnal by nature and don't require special lighting- plus they get all nutrients from their food and don't require the special lighting like many tropical species of reptile. a photo period of light he gets from the daytime being brighter in his room/cage is sufficient.

  3. no uvb is not neccesary if he doin' fine he doesn't need it.

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