
California marijuana pipe penalty

by  |  earlier

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There was a by pipe left some smoker friends in the apartment. I decided to throw it away because i heard the penalties for using it are harsh and considering im not a drug user it would be stupid to get a record for that so i threw it into the apartment trash in a bag. now im like trippin out that someone will see that on camera and come and get me. So i looked up the penalty. it says civil fine from 200-300$ what does that mean? is it on any type of criminal record?




  1. What are you talking about?  Possession of items used to smoke marijuana are not illegal in California.  If you are under 21, possession of items used to smoke tobacco is illegal.

    ADD: Oops, make that under 18.  (Thanks, Superman.)

  2. Relax. No one saw you and no one is going to arrest you.  

  3. Sure your not smoking to much, sound a little paranoid to me.  I hope your fingerprints aren,t on it!

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