
California real estate license?

by Guest45442  |  earlier

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My girlfriend and I were thinking about getting our real estate license, so we can work for a small firm or a company while we are in college. Would this be a good idea at this time with the economy and everything. And if its a bad idea, is there any other certifications or licenses we can obtain with the minimum requirements of a high school diploma?




  1. There are lots of certifications and jobs you can do with high school diplomas.  I think that real estate is a great job, if you have the right personality, but doing it part time is tough, and doing it right now is really tough.  So, go this route and you may not be making much money.  I just think its a bad idea at this time (the economy is bad and real estate is even worse), but if its what you really want to do, go do it anyhow - otherwise keep looking.

  2. .   This could work. The brokers have time to train new agents. For the last 6 years, there was no time to teach new people.  They never learned what to do.  

  3. It would be really tough to work if you are in school during the day, when all of the business is done.  Banks, title company, inspecters, etc etc etc all need you to be available at a moments notice, 9-5.

    Also, keep in mind that you are unlikely to earn any money at all in your first year, and there are lots of expenses that you have to pay.   You will be paying to work, and unavailable to handle any sales.

    Not a great plan.

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