
Californian's Where were you and what did you do during the earthquake the other day?

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I used to live in Cali and went through several earthquakes hope no one got hurt




  1. i didnt feel the earthquake. probably because i live in northern cali. i used to live in southeren cali. i just read about it on yahoo.

  2. i was in it... hid under the table...

    the injury count from the news was 0

  3. I was at home in Garden Grove (I work at home).  Just as I was about to take my lunch break, all h**l broke loose!  In my area, it felt pretty strong -- like somebody all of a sudden lifted my building and then slammed it down.  I talked to some people in other areas who said it was a rolling motion, but in other areas (like where I was), it was violent shaking.  I got down on the floor and covered my head.  I could hear stuff falling throughout my apartment -- luckily, nothing big or expensive -- just a few knick-knacks, CD's, DVD's (small stuff).  It sure was scary and even though they say it lasted around 20 seconds, it sure felt like a lot longer!  From what I've heard, nobody got hurt.  But the medical office building in Anaheim that houses 4 of the doctors I work for, got some damage.  This makes me want to move back to the midwest where I'm originally from -- at least with tornadoes, you get a warning!

  4. i waz at the mall theres gonna be a big chance a bigger one is coming and preaty soon =]

  5. I was just West if Sacramento.  I didn't know anything had happened until I heard it on the news.

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