
Call Of Duty 4 PLZ Help?

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In COD4 Im almost to my second prestiege(Rank 48) So I die well.... alot. But manage to get alot of kills. I need some advice of what perks and Guns to use. If U give alot of GOOD imfo u will get Ten Points and Best Answer. PLZ Help and Thanks!!




  1. Use any LMG, with 3x special grenades, stopping power and martyrdom.

    Just play game types like domination, and don't worry about winning the game - just kill as many people as you can.

  2. it all depends on your game type, whenever i'm playing a regular game i always have on stopping power and in hardcore i always make sure i have uav jammer, you can also try using a uav jammer in regular, i like doing that with an mp5, that way they dont know where i am, playing domination helps alot, just dont worry about winning just rack up the kills

  3. well it all depinds on if you are goin to play hardcore or reg. if you play reg. the best chance is go with mp5 with red dot and eagle with fragx3, dble tap, and martydon and hardcore .50cal with eagle and claymor uv jammer and iron lung but its all on what you think your good with just jump around till you get a good handle on a set up

  4. Hey

    I can lend a helping hand here. Number one, you can be good without using NOOB perks. Dont use g*y juggernoob or martrydom. Man ppl really dislike others that think they are god like becuase they can span three nades or use extra health and just simply live longer to unload into you. Its so dumb. Again, be good but dont listen to ppl like god who tell you to use juggernoob and deep impact to simply spam through walls to get kills.

    Me and my buddies leave no one alive. We tear everytring up its awsome. For perks there are a few that you need to look at.

    Dead Silence- As god says, it is amazing. Wow they cant hear you AT ALL. That is seriosuly how i get most of my kills. You can hear ppl a mile away and know exactly where they are going to be. This perk IMO is the best one there is for the game.

    Stopping power- A great perk for the SMGS or any other guns for that matter. THe extra dmg can make the diffrence ina  fire fight and you NEED it to snipe ppl in one hits unless you can pick the head off every single shot you take.

    Stun x3- A great perk to have when ppl say ur noob for using 3 frags, dont... use 3 stun. I Laugh really hard when you stun a guy... wait.. stun him again... wait.. stun him again... wait and throw a cooked nade. It is really that funny.. the guy cant move for his life and your just standing still watching him try to get away. Also really helpful blinding stupid snipers to close in on them.

    UAV Jammer- Dude UAV jammer is so underestimated. The ability to never show up on radar is amazing. Ppl are always like naw UAV jammer blows your gun doesnt have anough power. Wow, play smart and it dosent matter. Flank the living h**l out of the other team and ul see just how good it is.

    THose are my fav perks. Claymoores also, but everyone knows that they do lol. I use em a lot but make sure you put them down prpoerly or they just wont work right.

    For guns there are a lot of options.

    You can of course go with the flow and use the noob M16 to play as everyone esle does. Ture it has the ablity to drop ppl left right and center, but really do you wanna be known as a player that is a good one or one that has kills just becuase he has an M16. Dont use it, try something else. IMO, for that class, use the G36C. It has almost the same accuracy as the M4, and power that is a lot better. Add stopping power to this abd boy and ul soon find out why so many ppl like it. Not to mention it looks rather cool lol.

    For SMGS, The MP5 is the one that owns all if youa rent a noob using a P90. The MP5 has great power and amazing accuracy. ITs fire rate and clip size are something that it has going for it as well. This gun it the one i use msot along with Dead Silence, UAV jammer and a silencer with 3 times stun. I flank, flank and then flank some more. More often then not il go all the way around a fire fight and end up behind 4 of 5 ppl. Il lay waste to them all its great. Just rmember thens tunsa re your best friend. Some guy called me a noob last night after i took out his entire team on S and D and then we met up. He unloaded like a noob just spraying everywhere and i threw a stun, jummped around a cooner and pegged him in the head. Again learn to love your buddies.. the stuns!

    I dont use LMGs for a few reaons. I also think their a bit noobish to just sit and spray, pluse 2 of the three have horrible kick back. THey do have power but still, not something i like to use on a regular basis. I also dont use shotties a lot lol. I think i like the ablity to use SMGS close up rather then a shot gun.

    For snipes, ive got 2 favs. Although the one out shoots the other i still like the 50 cal just becuase its a beast. Really though the M40A3 is the better of the 2. Its accuracy is higher, has less DMG but still packs enough punch to 90% of the time drop ppl in one shot. USe stopping power, claymores and dead silence. Claymores to watch your back, stopping power to drop em dead and then when you gotta move you can quiet as a mouse.

    So there you have it. Good class options and good guns to use... but you know what? guns and perks do do a lot but that really isnt gona make or break you. I play guys that use M16s all the time, and you know what they lose... why? becuase you use the best waepon you have and thats your head. Even though its a game, the key to being good is to out think the othe player. Learn what ppl normally do and watch how you can out smart them. For example. Last night i was playing S and D on BLoc. I was in the elft buliding when i ran thorugh a hall way and saw a guy infront of me about 15 yards away. HE saw me but i just ran through the enxt door. OF course he thought i didnt see him cuase i didnt freak out and he just camped the door wating for me to come out. But using my head i turned around and then knifed him in the back  You just gotta think about what you do. when you enage a sniper, do some from close to medium range. Dont try and pick him off with an MP5 across  the map. Ud be suprised at how stupid ppl really are. On maps where you are funneled into a certain spot, and your team is just getting onwed.. STOP GOING THAT WAY. USe ur braina dn go around. Like really it seems like common sense but ppl just dont think. When you snipe someone, MOVE the idiot is gona spawn and simply go STRIGHT for you. Why? cause most idiots wont move and he'll get the kill. Move to a point where you can see him look for you at your previous spot.. but you wont be there.. ul be in ur new spot and snipe him.. understand?

    Seriosuly its all thinking. Dont always do the same thing, check ur conners for campers and make sure that you use your head before you satrt to think about guns. In all seriosuness, youe head will win you the game, not your gun. IF you need any real tips and need to see how really to play add me. On live


  5. First thing to work on is sensitivity i play on a ps3 and i use 9-10 sensitivity all the time sniping CQC or mid range it does not matter im always fast this makes it so much easier to win in at close range and get d**n fast gameplay another thing to use is dead silence period every weapon they cannot hear me coming perfect perk i use an ak with juggernaut and deep impact and bandoiler i rarely die any and in S&D i may use a silenced ak with juggernaut deadsilence and bandoiler

    another way to look at this is there are only 2 guns anyone should worry about in this game because its an unbalanced piece of c**p is the m16 and the m4 just use those Acog on an m4 with stopping power is good m16 is one shot so mix that with your high sensitivity makes you a beast i just find it makes this game to easy if you need some pointers my psn:XxRewindlabsxX  im getting ready to move on to socom but i wouldnt mind to help ya out

    btw my kdr is 1.81 on my 16 day account and 3.00+ on my cage matching playing hard account

  6. what i do is have the perks that has a lot of damage and double the bullets nd another thing that i always get a lot of kills is using a silence it works trust me

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