
Call centers???

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why is it that call centers from the us are being imported to different countries?




  1. cost!!!

    i can hire four techs in India for the price of one tech here...

    the punch comes in the infra structure cost.. it is expensive to maintain and setup the infrastructure to support it in an ongoing manner.. and customer service takes a hit.

  2. To save Money, Honey.

    It's unethical to Americans, but it looks financially feasible to American corporations; makes them look more profitable to their investors if they can net more money by outsourcing their workforce.

    For example:

    If a corporation can pay $2 per hour to an English speaking Phillipino National for the same work that an American national would expect pay at $12 per hour, then that is a $10 per hour savings (not including cost for additional taxes the company would have to pay, nor to cover insurance & similar benefits either).

    I find that ALL of the time when I call Medical Insurance companies for research to pay on insurance claims.  I call United Health Care, and I get the Phillipines or India.  It is very difficult to convey what you are needing, as the employee has limited training and English is not their original language, which creates for misunderstanding....

    061008  3:42
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