
Call centre adivse?

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Ok I actually work for saga company and where i work its obviously a call centre. I have worked there for 4 years but not in the actual call centre place itself. I know the people, the place, how it works etc. I have been asked to bring in an application for the new houseohold part thats recently opened. I like the people there and they are friendly enough. I just would like tips as the people are ob over 60 odd as saga is for retired people and its to do with household claims etc. Im 21 and never ever done anything like this before and just slightly nervous and havent really done phone calls like this before.




  1. speak clearly, listen to the customer and be confident.

    the company will provide training, so you shouldnt worry too much

  2. Be natural, polite and friendly. Most elderly folk will appreciate a conversation with someone with a bright personality, who can improve their retirement situation, and often give them confidence, especially if they are widowed. Often it gives the client someone to talk to, so be patient, and you will create friends for life!

  3. sounds like fun!

  4. Give it a go just for the experience. You're young enough to experiment a little and you'll likely learn something from it. If you don't like it, do something else. Old people are often more interesting than you think !

    Work in a call centre will help to develop your communication skills too - vital in virtually every job now.
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