
Call/fax/write your SENATOR about HR 3043 today! They're being SNEAKY!?

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This will allow 40-80 million new residents OVERNIGHT, it's Shamnesty all over again, and we have to pay for them, for retroactive benefits, for their PARENTS to come here, and they're to get other benefits including social security and in-state tuition.





  1. Ya know, that's a long bill.  What part of the bill are you referring to?


    You can find this fax by proceeding to

    There is a strong possibility that amnesty advocates will try to attach the DREAM Act amnesty to the Labor, Health and Human Services appropriations bill (H.R. 3043).

    Please fax your senators and remind them why millions of Americans oppose this amnesty!

    On September 27, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced that the DREAM Act would not be considered as an amendment to H.R. 1585, the Defense Department authorization bill for fiscal year 2008.

    Supporters of this ill-conceived amnesty are not giving up, however, and this represents their latest attempt to pass the bill into law by attaching it to an appropriations bill.

    Tell Senate offices that the following things remain unchanged:

    - The DREAM Act allows illegal "teens" to petition for their parents, leading eventually to their aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins:

    The big argument for this amnesty is that it is for teenagers who are here illegally because their parents broke the law. Even with the new "less-than-30" age requirement, far more than teens can get this amnesty (and Sen. Durbin has included "humanitarian" and "family unity" exceptions to the age limit). Nonetheless, the argument is that the teenagers should not be punished for the crimes of their parents.

    But as soon as DREAM amnesty citizens are over 21, they can bring in their parents who broke the law to get them into the country. The chief criminals will be rewarded after all.

    And because of Chain Migration, the amnestied "teens" can see their aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents getting permanent U.S. residency as well.

    - The DREAM Act does not Protect Americans from Terrorists and Criminals:

    Illegal immigrants are not required to submit fingerprints or undergo background security checks at any point in the DREAM Act process. Therefore, The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has no way to know whether an alien seeking DREAM Act amnesty is a terrorist or criminal. This security failure is compounded by the confidentiality section of the DREAM Act, which is a relic from pre-9/11 days (it’s modeled on the fraud-prone 1986 amnesty). This section basically requires DHS to hide information about terrorist and criminal aliens from itself. If a DHS adjudicator at USCIS learns from a DREAM Act application that an alien poses terrorist or criminal concerns, the adjudicator is prohibited from alerting ICE enforcement officers at DHS, and in fact, if the adjudicator were to volunteer such information to ICE, he could be fined $10,000. To cap it all, DHS is prohibited from removing from the United States all aliens, including criminals, terrorists, fraudsters, and other ineligible aliens while they have a DREAM Act application pending, even if that application is based upon fraud or the alien is ineligible.

    - The DREAM Act Offers Citizenship to Illegal Aliens Who Lack Good Moral Character:

    The DREAM Act does not require that aliens have a history of good moral character; it only requires that they have good moral character from the time that they apply. This means that criminal aliens, terrorists, and other aliens who lack good moral character before they apply get an amnesty for their pre-application period conduct, no matter how bad or extensive that conduct.

    - The DREAM Act is Not Just for Young People:

    Sponsors insist that the point of the DREAM Act is to provide legal status to “kids” and “young people.” However, the DREAM Act is not directed just at minors. Under the "new" DREAM Act, anyone 29 years old or younger, who illegally entered the United States before the age of 16 and has illegally remained here for 5 years or more will qualify for lawful permanent residence (and eventual citizenship) if they satisfy the easily-met criteria for DREAM Act amnesty. Illegal aliens who are 30-years-old or older can still be granted the DREAM amnesty through "humanitarian" or "family unity" waivers.

    - The DREAM Act is a Big Amnesty:

    There are an estimated 2 million illegal immigrant children currently in the United States. They are only a portion of the millions of aliens who will likely qualify for the DREAM Act amnesty, because the DREAM Act does not place a cap on the number of people who qualify, provides exceptions to the newly-formed under-30 age limit, and applies retroactively to anyone who first entered before age 16. Furthermore, the recipients of the DREAM Act amnesty will be permitted to petition for their illegal parents and adult relatives once they become citizens.

    - The DREAM Act is Deceptive:

    The marketing campaign for the DREAM Act makes as though the amnesty is intended for high school graduates who are on their way to college or military service. But the bill as written ensures that illegal immigrants don’t have to attend high school or go to college to qualify for the amnesty: they need only take an ability-to-benefit test and complete a 1-year vocational program to get eventual citizenship (and there’s no requirement that they actually complete their college education). Nor do aliens have to join the Armed Forces: they need only go to work for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or Public Health Service for 2 years to get eventual citizenship.

    - The DREAM Act is a Fraud Machine:

    We know from experience that amnesty from immigration laws generates massive fraud, and the DREAM Act is no exception. Nothing in the DREAM Act will prevent a 29-year old alien from asserting that he entered the United States before the age of 16 and has remained here ever since. The DREAM Act is silent on how DHS will determine the veracity of such claims. The DREAM Act will actually promote fraud because it prevents DHS from deporting aliens who’ve applied for the amnesty until their applications are resolved – a process that will likely take years, because DHS lacks the resources to rapidly process the millions of applications it will receive. Even if DHS eventually decides that some aliens do not qualify for the amnesty, DHS cannot use the statements aliens made in their applications to deport them, because their statements are protected by the confidentiality section in the DREAM Act.

    - The DREAM Act is Unfair to American Students and Taxpayers:

    The "new" DREAM Act removed the in-state college tuition section. However, aliens who get the amnesty will become legal residents and will therefore be automatically eligible for in-state tuition anyway.

    - The DREAM Act Puts Illegal Immigrants at the Front of the Line for Green Cards:

    The DREAM Act requires that applications for its amnesty must be expedited, bars DHS from charging fees for expedited service, and fails to provide DHS the additional personnel and equipment needed to handle expedited applications. Because millions of people will file applications for DREAM Act amnesty (regardless of whether or not they eventually qualify), DHS will experience a significant backlog of cases that will necessarily slow DHS’ ability to process conventional business and family visas, and applications for naturalization. This will adversely impact our economy, and disrupt the settled expectations of intending legal immigrants to the United States.

    - The DREAM Act Will Allow Dangerous Criminal Aliens to Remain At Large in the United States:

    DHS lacks the resources to detain all criminal aliens it encounters in the United States, and so DHS has to pick and choose which criminals to hold for deportation. When DHS deports a criminal al ien, the detention or “bed space” vacated by the out-going criminal is immediately filled by another criminal alien. The DREAM Act does not disqualify anyone (even criminals) from filing an application and bars DHS from removing any alien who’s filed an application for amnesty. Thus, criminal aliens who have no desire to be deported will file DREAM Act applications to halt or slow their deportations, which means they will spend more time taking up detention space which could be used to house other criminal aliens. That means more criminal aliens whom DHS cannot house will be free to roam the United States. The DREAM Act also creates an opportunity for extremely dangerous criminal aliens to be released into the general population. By law, a criminal alien who is subject to a final order of removal must be released from DHS custody within 90 days if his removal is not “reasonably foreseeable.” As mentioned previously, the DREAM Act does not allocate resources to DHS to process the millions of applications that are sure to be filed, which will result in very lengthy delays. The result? A dangerous criminal alien who would otherwise have been removed from the United States files his DREAM Act application, and when that application stalls at DHS with millions of others, he can file a petition in a district court after 90 days to effect his release because his removal is not “reasonably foreseeable.”

  3. they have to pass this so they can buy 40 million votes overnight

    get our troops out of iraq and put them on the border

    the mexican gov is waging war against the US

    they call this war reconquista

    which means reconquer they are attempting to overload the american southwest with their citizens to effect a take over and this bill would go a long way to help them do this

  4. There aren't enough Conservative to stop it and the libs won't listen.  Hopefully Bush will veto it.

  5. I just checked out all three versions of this bill. It's a bill to appropriate funds for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and related agencies. I didn't see anything that would afford benefits to illegal aliens.

  6. I think we should try any lawmaker who votes or fails to veto any amnesty for these illegal aliens, for treason. The Reconquistas and the Azatlan movement are real and they are focused on retaking Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California, which they claim were stolen despite the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the $15 million dollars in the Gadsden Purchase.

    This government is weakening America, by diluting the population of Americans and flooding the demographics of our voting pool with people who are used to being subjugated by the government, are used to toiling for disproportionate pay and are beholden to them for this amnesty.

    This is an invasion! And our President is helping them invade. Treason!

    I live in South Texas, have all my life. I am fairly bilingual, I get by. I have been on construction jobsites, seen grafiti where someone wrote in Spanish and someone responded by writing Go Back to Mexico, to which the response was Aqui Es Mexico or literally Here is Mexico.

    Not yet Pancho.

  7. I've been trying to Warn Americans All week and Nobody listens... Go to and send Free Faxes and Call those Radio Stations in Your Area.  this website even tells Who in Congress in Senate have Been Scamming for it on the Sneak!  Harry Reid, Lugar of Indiana are leading the Pack of Traitors and Jackals.

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