
Call from docs office, should I be concerned?

by  |  earlier

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I had a CT scan last week. Tonight I got a call from my docs office(around 7:30 tonight). it was a nurse making sure I had a follow up appointment. She got a memo from the doc asking her to make sure I had the appointment and she was going to schedule one if I didn't have it already. She couldn't tell me anything and said she didn't know what my CT results were. My appointment is in two weeks. I'm just wondering if I should be concerned? I've never had a nurse call to make sure I had a followup after a medical test. I had a CT of my head because I've had chronic headaches and facial tingling. if things were abnormal but not necessarily life threatning would they let me wait 2 weeks?




  1. I think if it was serious, they wouldn't wait this long.  Try to think positive, cause you've got a while to wait.  So don't drive your self crazy with worry.  

    All I can say is i hope everything is alright, and it's not serious at all.

    I'm sorry you 're going through this.


  2. oh yea

  3. relax,it is routine and normal for them to call.

  4. i would think that if it was critical they would want you in sooner. I know it will be hard but try not to worry.G/L

  5.   It is possible he saw something he didn't like and he wants to pursue it further, maybe a consult with another doctor, or another CAT scan.. That doesn't mean it is life threatening.! Relax ( if you can) and keep that appointment!

    If it were something truly life threatening, the dr would have made the call himself. Be concerned, yes,. worried, no. Good luck.

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