
Call me crazy?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Batesville Arkansas. Yes, home of Mark Martin, I have met him, I dont like him. He has fan day every year and I'm still waiting for him to bring Jeff here! I worked at Enterprise last summer and I dealt with the guys at Mark Martin Ford a lot. I was frustrated because one of the guys told me that Gordon came down and visited Marks museum here but it was unannounced, not for the public! I told the guys if he comes down again call me cause I am one of his biggest fans! The past few times Mark had his fan days I thought about going over there just to ask him when will Gordon come sign autographs! Is that a mean thing to do? I really want to meet Jeff Gordon!




  1. If you want to me Jeff Gordon that badly, why don't you just go to HMS?  Also, if Jeff Gordon did go to the Ford dealership, I think that they wouldn't announce it because of the mob of fans showing up.  Robbie Gordon, Paul Menard, and another driver came to my hometown, and no one made that big of deal about it.

  2. sound like a real groupie.

    I wouldn't worry about it.

    Why don't you just get a job at Mark Martin Ford then you would not miss a thing?

  3. I've heard it all now.  Never heard of anyone who didn't like Mark Martin before.  Live and learn.  : )

  4. ok if you want me to YOUR CRAZY

  5. wait, am i supposed to call you "crazy," or are you saying that i'm crazy and i should call you?  

    ack! i get so confused, especially when it comes to understanding women...probably why i'm single.


    seriously, mark is a veteran and loves the fans, all fans. from what i've seen and heard, even if you don't like him as a driver, he likes you as a fan, of nascar at least. he's been around long enough to not get, for lack of a better term (or at least a funnier-sounding one ;-), all "butt-hurt" because someone might want an autograph other than his.

    i think i'd phrase the question a little more diplomatically if you are concerned.  something like, "hey mark, i think it's great that you take the time to sign autographs for your fans and all. do you think maybe you'll ever have other drivers, like maybe jeff gordon - hint, hint ("wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more") - come down and sign with you?  or do you know if he does these things and when the next one might be?"  he's a big boy (well, an old(er) boy) and, you never know, he may have info that's not "public" yet about upcoming fan appreciation days or whatever.

    --kyle's #1 fan

    (and proud citizen of rowdy's world)

  6. I would bet that going to a Ford dealership for an autograph session would be a violation of Gordon's contract with Chevrolet.

    Yeah, you're crazy.

  7. If you want to meet Jeff Gordon, fine! Meet Jeff Gordon then. But you don't have to tell us that you don't like Mark Martin. Mark Martin isn't Jeff Gordons manager. Instead of calling you crazy, can we just call you psychotic?

  8. hello Crazy

  9. Okay Crazy.

  10. My wife came face to face with Mark Martin of pit road at TMS one day.  She asked him for an autograph for her dad, a huge, at least he used to be, MM fan, when he just blew her off like she wasn't even there.  He walked about twenty more feet and signed an autograph for a man holding a die-cast of his Viagra car.

    The next day my sister-in-law was elbow to elbow with him, asked for an autograph and he still wouldn't sign her autograph book.  So to all you people that say he is a fan of the fan, unless you have seen it with your own eyes, don't believe it.

  11. I wouldn't say it's a mean thing to do.

  12. Crazy!

  13. You are crazy if you don't like Mark Martin and like Jeff Gordon.

  14. OK crazy;...
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