
Call me old fashioned but, why do women shave the crotch area nowadays?

by Guest11022  |  earlier

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Call me old fashioned but, why do women shave the crotch area nowadays?




  1. All these women saying "hygiene" are full of it. It is because p**n made it fashionable and now many women believe it is what men want.

  2. IDK. They think their man likes it. Some men actually do prefer it. I didn't believe it myself until someone at school mentioned it. Or it itches. I don't know about guys but it does get slightly uncomfortable every once ina while. or oral purposes I guess.

  3. I've thought this myself. If it was a hygiene issue, does this mean people in the 1970s were simply dirty?

    I like a good thatch on a woman, but when it gets to forest proportions I suppose there's no harm in pruning the foliage.

    edit - To those who say it is a matter of hair + sweat = smell, the sweat will still be there and it doesn't disappear just because the hair isn't there. It's only the sweat mixing with skin surface bacteria that makes it smell bad. Where will it go? It soaks into your underwear and you'll still need to wash.

  4. cuz todays fashion shows more than some would like to show. so we shave that area to not look like f***ing idiots. so thanks to other girls who wear there clothes a little to low and and showing to much skin other girls have to follow suit and do the same.

  5. I always wondered that too.......

    Most of it is pressure. Women seem to think that men will hate them or something if they are not bare like a 6 year old Lots of it is also clothes. It is hard to wear a bathing suit if there is hair there because bikini bottoms are very small and cover minimal space. Lots of it is Hollywood and modeling and porno. You wounder why women seem to think that supper thin is gorgeous? Media that tells us so. There is also this rumor that it is healthier, so not true. Hair keeps bacteria away from the inside of the body to prevent deadly infections from entering. You should wash that hair with soap and water like you would do with other hair.

    What I think: it should be trimmed but not bare. It is actually healthier to have hair there than to not to.

    It is nice to hear a person say that it is not necessary, good for you!!


  6. Cleanliness, ease, no need to worry about hairs popping out the side of your bikini... that and so people won't have to worry about the hair in back of throat, lol.

    There are many reasons, and not all apply to each woman who does it.  It is a personal decision.

  7. Why do hair styles change?  call me old fashioned, but why did the beehive go out of style?  Same answer

  8. Foolishness..... Lack of common sense.. Keep in mind there is something peculiar about any broad that even considers that an option..

  9. To look better in bikinis, leotards, and underwear

  10. the stink smell

    the hygiene

    and to have better access to it in an oral kind of way, unless some people like to floss often.

  11. i personally have no idea. i hate shaving enough and im not going to shave something that doesnt need it!

  12. I don't shave, I trim with sissors.  :)

    It feels comfy, it's easy to manage, and still looks nice. I like  not looking like a little girl.

  13. Hygeine.  Hair holds sweat and sweat usually stinks.  I don't shave my hair, but I do keep it trim.  Besides that, I can't use tampons, so when its that time of the month, it is much more cleanly and I don't have stuff stuck in unkept hair.  It has nothing to do with p**n with me, my husband doesn't care, one way or the other, trimming is for me.

  14. As much as they will tell you it's for "hygienic purposes", it's plainly vanity.  They've been brainwashed by p**n, and think that's what they're supposed to do.

  15. I thin kseeya should see a doctor....anyway, personally it's because it gets itchy if it's too long.

  16. Cleaner, cooler, feels better during oral and intercourse, and hair is itchy why bother with it.

  17. Swimsuits. Bikinis. Thongs.

    No, I wouldn't do it. It icks me to think of that razor burn

    and the stubble.

    Besides, most folks who do this, I've heard, wax.

    Another horror.

  18. it feels bettttter

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